
NS Fibrin

  • Remedy for fibroids
  • NS FIBRIN provides several anti-inflammatory enzymes that synergistically work together to reduce sever inflammation
  • Strengthens capillaries and connective tissue and is a very effective anti- inflammatory

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  • Remedy for fibroids
  • NS FIBRIN provides several anti-inflammatory enzymes that synergistically work together to reduce severe inflammation
  • Strengthens capillaries and connective tissue and is a very effective anti-inflammatory
  • NS FIBRIN detoxifies your body


AnginaHigh Blood Pressure
Acid Reflux DiseaseHigh Cholesterol
Systemic InflammationHypertension
Free Radical DamageIncreased Risk of Stroke
ArthritisIntermittent Claudication
Chronic Fatigue “CFS”Ocular Degeneration
Chronic PainPeripheral Neuropathy
Diabetes Type IIPeyronie’s Disease
Digestion ProblemsPhlebitis / Thrombophlebitis
EndometriosisPolycythemia Vera
Fibrocystic Breast DiseaseRetinopathy
Fibromyalgia SyndromeRheumatoid Arthritis
GlomerulonephritisUterine Fibroids



NS FIBRIN is formulated to break down fibrin, decrease inflammation, remove toxins and debris, and modulate the immune system. NS FIBRIN’s ingredients break down fibrin in three stages

Stage 1: The first stage is what we refer to as Enzymatic Detoxification. During this period your body is first introduced to enzymes. NS FIBRIN will begin by thinning the blood and removing excessive toxicity that your body has built up. Years of buildup on the inside of artery walls, as well as the mucosa of the colon and gastrointestinal system are stripped away and excreted.

During this period you may experience mild headaches, pungent urine, and softened stool or diarrhea, fatigue and stomach upset. If at any point you start to feel ill you may be detoxifying too quickly. Decreasing your dosage for a more gradual and comfortable detoxification period is therefore recommended. It may take several days to completely cleanse the body of unwanted toxins. Enzymatic detoxification is only temporary, and in the most extreme cases may last up to a period of 14 days.

Stage 2: During the second stage you will begin to increase your NS FIBRIN dosage and start to really breakdown the fibrin. We refer to this stage as the Therapeutic Stage. You may still notice softer bowel movements during the Therapeutic Stage. This is primarily due to the amount of fibrin being excreted through the bowels. The Therapeutic Stage can last anywhere from 3-6 months depending on your body’s reaction to enzymes and the excessiveness of the fibrin. It is important to schedule regular doctor visits to measure your progress through ultrasound. Your doctor will be able to accurately tell you if you are making progress.

Stage 3: When your fibroids are under control you need to start the third stage. This is called the Maintenance Dose and usually consists of a 1/2 or a 1/3 of the Therapeutic Dose. This stage is equally important as the second stage because it is your goal to keep your fibrin levels low and under control. NS FIBRIN is extremely cost effective at the maintenance stage. As little as one capsule, twice daily, can keep excessive fibrin from returning. Other enzymes require at least three pills, three times a day.


The 3 Stages of NS-Fibrin Therapy
Enzymatic DetoxificationTherapeutic StageMaintenance Stage
Stage 1: 1-4 WeeksStage 2: 4-12 WeeksStage 3: Weeks 12+

Shrinkage Begins

Suggested Dose:
2 capsules three times daily

·Reduced Bleeding

·Fewer Clots

·Less Pain & Pressure

·Less Backaches

· Energy Level Increases

Shrinkage Accelerates

Suggested Dose:
3-4 capsules three times daily

·Continued Improvement of all Symptoms

·Energy Level Much Higher

·Anemia Reversed


Suggested Dose: 1 capsule twice to three times daily

·Prevention of New Fibroids

·Bloating Decreases

· Stomach Begins to Shrink


What is NS FIBRIN?

NS FIBRIN is an all-natural and hormone-free proteolytic enzyme supplement designed to quickly and safely dissolve and prevent fibroids of all types and sizes with no side effects. NS FIBRIN is a combination of Nattokinase, Serrapeptase, Rutin, Alma and other proteolytic enzymes specially formulated to assist and defend your body from the damaging effects of fibrin. As fibrin builds up in our bodies, it may cause many unhealthy conditions. NS FIBRIN can help keep fibrin and its harmful results under control. NS FIBRIN can be supplemented into a normal and healthy diet and may benefit anyone suffering from inflammation, edema (swelling), arthritis, poor circulation, and immune disorders as well as several others conditions.

Is NS FIBRIN safe?

Yes. No serious or adverse side effects or toxicity have been reported from taking systemic enzymes such as NS FIBRIN. Clinical studies have shown that even extremely large doses of these enzymes are not toxic. If you are taking blood-thinning medication, you should consult with your physician before taking NS FIBRIN.


How does NS FIBRIN work?

The enzymes in the NS FIBRIN work swiftly to break apart the fibrin in fibroids, improving circulation, stimulating the immune system and helping to maintain normal levels of inflammation. All of this is critical to setting up a healing climate within your body. NS FIBRIN’s two foremost ingredients (the silkworm enzyme serrapeptase and the fermented natto cheese enzyme nattokinase) help rid the body of fibroids and endometriosis by dissolving the Fibroid’s and endometriosis’ abnormal fibrin matrix or skeleton and internal structure to allow the immune system to excrete it as waste in the urine.

Will I notice any change in my urine?

Usually not! Occasionally as fibroids dissolve urine may darken slightly for a day or two.

What is fibrin?

Fibrin is an insoluble protein the body produces in response to bleeding or inflammation and plays a role in a host of health conditions. Fibrin is responsible for scar tissue, thrombus formation, arthritic and inflammatory conditions along with associated pain. Abnormal or excess fibrin forms the matrix of fibroids and endometriosis.

Since NS FIBRIN dissolves unhealthy blood clots and fibrin will it interfere with normal clotting?

NS FIBRIN only acts on excess fibrin and abnormal clotting. It will not interfere with the normal clotting process. This prevents heart attack, stroke, and high blood pressure and will clean out blocked blood vessels and prevent hardening of the arteries.


I take birth control pills; will NS FIBRIN interfere with them in any way?

No, hormone-free NS FIBRIN will not cause any problems.

Are there any medications, drugs, or supplements that I should not take with NS FIBRIN?

NS FIBRIN will not interfere or react with your other medications or nutritional supplements or vitamins. Only anticoagulant prescription medications are a potential concern and should be reviewed with your doctor first.

Will NS FIBRIN help me become pregnant more easily?

If fibroids, endometriosis, tubal blockage or adhesions are present NS FIBRIN use will improve fertility by removing these abnormalities.

Does NS FIBRIN affect fertility?

Yes. Because NS FIBRIN removes abnormal fibrin anywhere in the body fertility may be greatly increased as the entire reproductive system is renewed and cleansed of adhesions and fibrin.

I am trying to get pregnant, should I stop taking NS FIBRIN?

NS FIBRIN leaves the body within 24 hours. Women who are have fertility issues relating to fibroids, endometriosis, adhesions or tubal blockage usually stop NS FIBRIN 3 days before ovulation since NS FIBRIN has not been studied in pregnancy. If pregnancy does not occur then NS FIBRIN may be restarted.

Why hasn’t my Doctor told me about NS FIBRIN?

Many more progressive doctors recommend NS FIBRIN. Unfortunately however some doctors are reluctant to recommend a safe, non-prescription alternative instead of surgical, hormonal, or other procedures, which often have serious and disappointing results and side-effects.

What are Fibroids?

Fibroids affect 1 out of 5 women under the age of 50! They cause 3 out of 10 hysterectomies. They are growths in the uterus made up of a fibrin base mixed with muscle. Some doctors feel they are caused by estrogen imbalance. Fibroids often run in families that are genetically prone.


What types of Fibroids are there?

Fibroids are named for where they grow in the womb:

Intramural- the most common type, grow inside the uterine wall.

Subserous- or subserosal– grow outward from the uterine wall into the stomach or abdominal area.

Submucous– grow inward from the uterus itself. This type causes long heavy periods of bleeding.

What are symptoms?

Fibroids symptoms may include: Swollen bloated “tummy” or lower abdomen, Heavy bleeding or prolonged and painful periods, Excessive blood clots during periods, Fatigue, lack of energy, Anemia, low blood count, headaches, Bleeding between periods, Feeling “full” in the lower part of your stomach (pelvic pressure), Using the bathroom often, Lower back pain and pain during sex, Not being able to become pregnant; miscarriage; and early labor during a pregnancy.

Will I notice any symptoms as the fibroids dissolve?

Women report much less pain, less bleeding and fewer clots as well as shorter periods. Finally the shrinking fibroids reduce stomach and abdominal bloating to normal size.

Where does the dissolving fibroid or endometriosis go? Will I notice any increased vaginal or menstrual flow?

NS FIBRIN dissolves only unhealthy abnormal fibrin, which makes up the skeleton of the fibroid. As it dissolves gradually the body’s immune system identifies it and processes it as urinary waste. Rarely is there any additional vaginal discharge. If present, the first period after NS FIBRIN may be more watery but lighter with few if any clots or cramps present.

How can I tell if NS FIBRIN is working?

The easiest way to tell is to notice the improvement of symptoms. Most women report within a few days of NS FIBRIN use a marked relief of pain, pressure, followed by menstrual period relief of reduced bleeding and minimal or no clots present. Each successive period brings continual improvement, which accelerates during the second, third, and fourth periods.

Will NS FIBRIN shrink my swollen stomach? My doctor says that my fibroid is the size of a 3 to 4 month pregnancy. I feel like I am 3 or 4 months pregnant.

YES. This is the final symptom to disappear. Some women notice shrinkage in only 2 weeks but most report reducing several dress sizes at about 3 months.

How long will I need to take NS FIBRIN?

Most women notice that nearly all symptoms are gone within 3 to 4 menstrual cycles or 3 to 4 months. They usually choose to remain on a low preventive maintenance dose of NS FIBRIN [1 capsule twice to three times daily.] This normally prevents any re-growth or beginning of new fibroids.

How soon will I notice the results?

Most women notice an improvement in only a few days; however, some women may need two weeks to see results. Results include improvement in every area affected by Fibroids. Most experience a normal, pain free lifestyle after only one to 4 months.


How much should I take and for how long?

Typical NS FIBRIN dosage is between three to four pills, three times a day. Begin using two pills, three times a day (for about 4 weeks), and gradually build up to the desired dosage. Much larger dosages can be safely used if the patient does not experience severe detoxification reactions. Drink plenty of water to dilute the toxins in the blood and make sure to drink at least eight ounces with each dose. NS FIBRIN may be taken with meals, but is much more potent on an empty stomach. Then a 1 capsule twice to three times daily maintenance dose to prevent recurrence.

Can I take 4 capsules 3 timed daily to speed up shrinkage?

Yes. Approximately 15% of women metabolize NS FIBRIN in 8 hours instead of 12. In order to tell if this dose is beneficial a 10 day trial on that dose is often suggested.

If I am a faster metabolism will the twice a day dose be effective?

Yes. The twice daily dosage schedule will work in all cases. It may be slightly slower in women of rapid metabolism however still providing excellent results.

What if I have a very large, even grapefruit size fibroid, will NS FIBRIN work for me?

Yes. African women unfortunately have a high incidence of very large and multiple fibroids. The NS FIBRIN success rate is as high in this population as in the U.S.

How long does it take to dissolve a very large fibroid?

Although improvement is noticed within days and continues, the total dissolution may take 6 months in the largest fibroids.

Does NS FIBRIN dissolve multiple fibroids?

Yes, this is routine. The time required is related to the size of the largest of the fibroids and not the number of fibroids present.

I had an ultrasound to diagnose my fibroid condition, when should I have another one?

Most women choose to wait at least 3 to 4 months before their next ultrasound to allow time for significant size shrinkage.

What if my fibroid is not shrinking after 2 or 3 months?

Do not be discouraged. This is very rare, less than 10%. Your fibroid may indeed be dissolving but with fluid from the immune system surrounding it the size may seem not to be changing quite yet.

Since I started on NS FIBRIN I feel much better but seem a little more swollen and firmer in that area? This is normal in about 10% of women for about a week after starting NS FIBRIN. This is actually a good sign that the immune system is delivering waste removal fluid to the area as the fibroid is dissolving.


Will I feel uncomfortable?

Usually not! However if a few mild cramps occur you can slow down the process by simply stopping NS FIBRIN for 2 or 3 days and restarting on only 1 capsule twice daily for 5 more days before resuming the 2 capsules twice daily dosage.

Will I notice any tenderness or swelling in my breast?

Fewer than 10% of NS FIBRIN users report some temporary breast swelling or tenderness for about 5 days. This means that there was unhealthy fibrin deposits similar to fibrocystic breast disease present. The swelling signals that the fibrin is being dissolved and carried away by the immune system.

Does this mean that NS FIBRIN can help mastitis, ovarian cysts and fibrocystic breast disease?

NS FIBRIN works well for ovarian cysts and fibrocystic breast disease sufferers, as well as on painful fibroadenomas. Combine with Vitamin E to reinforce the effect.

What is Endometriosis

Endo and its pain are caused by build up of excess fibrin (blood clot residue and scar tissue) in a woman’s abdomen. Endometriosis symptoms may include: Swollen bloated “tummy” or lower abdomen, Heavy bleeding or prolonged and painful periods, Excessive blood clots during periods, Fatigue, lack of energy, Anemia, low blood count, headaches, Bleeding between periods, Feeling “full” in the lower part of your stomach (pelvic pressure), Using the bathroom often, Lower back pain, Pain during sex, Not being able to become pregnant; miscarriage; and early labor during pregnancy.


I just started my period; can I start my NS FIBRIN now?

Yes, we designed NS FIBRIN to start any time during your monthly cycle with no problems.

How long does it take to dissolve severe Endometriosis?

Although improvement is noticed within days and continues, the total dissolution may take 6 months in the most severe Endometriosis.


As we age, enzyme production is radically diminished. These enzymes are needed to maintain a healthy immune system, healthy joints, good circulation and overall balanced reaction to injury. The older we get our need for enzyme production increases while the amount of usable enzymes in our body is gradually depleted. Enzyme deficiency can lead to a wide variety of health problems. Without enzymes, we cannot digest excess fibrin.

 Fibrin is responsible for both Sclerosis and fibrosis. Conditions such as atherosclerosis (heart disease), fibrocystic breast disease (fibrosis), Multiple Sclerosis, (sclerosis), Fibroids – Endometriosis (fibrosis), Cystic Fibrosis, Peyronies Disease, (fibrosis) and all forms of Arthritis are all related to the deposition of fibrin in the blood. NS FIBRIN targets fibrin and eliminates the underlying cause of these conditions.

NS FIBRIN’s formula speeds healing restores blood to normal values and decreases C – Reactive protein markers an average of 12 points in as little as 6 months.


Origination DoseMaintenance Dose
Auto Immune Conditions1 pills 3x day (14)3 pills 3x day (1« Dose)
Chronic Fatigue1 pills 3x day (14)3 pills 3x day (1« Dose)
Fibromyalgia2 pills 4x day (14)3 pills 3x day (1« Dose)
Osteo-arthritis2 pills 4x day (14)3 pills 3x day (1« Dose)
Opening Circulation3 pills 4x day (30-60)1 pills 3x day (1« Dose)
Sprains and Strains2 pills 3x day (14)1 pills 3x day
Chronic Pain2 pills 3x day (14)1 pills 3x day
Edema2 pills 3x day (10)1 pills 3x day
Post Operative Scar Tissue3 pills 2x day (10)1 pills 2x day
Fibrosis3 pills 2x day (60)1 pills 3x day
Traumatic Inflammation:3 pills 3x day (10)1 pills 2x day
Post Surgical Recovery3 pills 3x day (10)1 pills 2x day
Promote healthy circulation2 pills 4x day (30-60)1 pills 3x day
Lower cholesterol3 pills 3x day (10)1 pills 3x day
Blood Cleansing3 pills 3 x day (14)1 pills 3x day
Promote Digestion1 pills 3x day1 pills 3x day
Antioxidant Support1 pills 3x day1 pills 3x day
(1« Dose) = 1 less pill per dose until problem reoccurs; (10) 10 days; (14) 14 days; (30-60) 1-2 Months



Fibromyalgia has been characterized as musculoskeletal aches and pains that manifest in several tender points throughout the body. Fibromyalgia remains a medical mystery even to this day. The pain in the muscle can have a constant ache or twitch and may even burn at times. Pain is predominantly the most common complaint from most Fibromyalgia suffers. Pain may start in one area and over time spread throughout the entire body. 

Although the exact cause of Fibromyalgia Syndrome is not completely understood the symptoms and irritation are quite common and often misdiagnosed as Arthritis, Bursitis, and even Superficial Tissue Disorder. The enzymes in NS FIBRIN have been clinically proven to fight pain; inflammation, tenderness, stiffness and pressure. These conditions are self-perpetuating. The more pain you have the more inflamed the area becomes and the more inflamed the area becomes, the more pain you will have. Over the counter Non-Steroidal Anti Inflammatory (NSAIDS) like aspirin are useless at relieving significant pain and can be toxic in high doses to organs. NSAIDS may at best provide insignificant pain relief and impair the body’s ability to repair itself



Enzymes eat scar tissue and fibrosis. Fibrosis is scar tissue and most doctors learn in anatomy that it is fibrosis that eventually kills us all. As we age, which starts at 27, we have a diminishing of the body’s output of enzymes. This is because we make a finite amount of enzymes in a lifetime and we use up a good deal of them by the time we reach our 40’s. Cystic Fibrosis patients who have virtually no enzyme production to speak of, even as children usually don’t make it past their 20’s before they die of the restriction and shrinkage in the lungs from the formation of fibrosis or scar tissue.

So our body begins to dole out our enzymes with an eyedropper instead of with a tablespoon. Result: the repair mechanism of the body goes off balance and has nothing to reduce the over abundance of fibrin it deposits in nearly everything from simple cuts, to the inside of our internal organs and blood vessels. It is then when most women begin to develop things like fibrocystic breast disease, uterine fibroids, and endometriosis. We all grow arterial sclerotic (meaning scar tissue) plaque, and have fibrin begin to spider web its way inside of our internal organs, reducing their size and function over time. This is why as we age our wounds heal with thicker, less pliable, weaker and very visible scars.

If we replace the lost enzymes, we can control and reduce the amount of scar tissue and fibrosis our bodies have. As physicians in the US are now discovering, even old scar tissue can be “eaten away” from surgical wounds, pulmonary fibrosis, and kidney fibrosis even keloids years after their formation. It is extremely effective at removing post-surgical scar tissue and softens the appearance of hard purple scars from C-section surgery Medical doctors in Europe and Asia have known this and used orally administered enzymes for such for over 40 years!



NS FIBRIN doesn’t mask pain, it helps the body to heal and repair.Systemic or whole body enzymes such as those found in NS FIBRIN have been shown to support and stimulate the immune system, increase the rate of cellular repair, stop pain by reducing inflammation, increase blood circulation throughout the body to improve supply of nutrients to damaged arthritic tissue, as well as remove toxic waste products from these same areas. With this proven ability of NS FIBRIN to assist so many different critical functions, the body is better able to heal and repair previously irritated and inflamed tissue around arthritic joints. In this way, NS FIBRIN not only helps the arthritis victim feel better, NS FIBRIN helps the arthritis victim to be better in many ways.



Peyronie’s disease is a health problem involving the male reproductive organ of unknown origin. It follows an extremely variable course, making the condition extremely difficult to both study and treat. Everything about this condition is variable except the presence of one or more fibrous scar nodules, located under the skin along the shaft of the penis. The scar of Peyronie’s disease (PD) causes the penis to curve or bend when erect, prompting the nickname “the bent penis disease”. Often the abnormal curvature is so severe – and painful for both partners – that it results in erectile dysfunction and impotence.


This terrible condition is more common than most people realize, occurring in an estimated 3 out of 100 men over the age of 40, throughout the world. The fundamental problem of PD is the scar that results in pain, deformity and loss of sexual function.
Peyronie’s disease remains one of the most perplexing and difficult problems in urology to treat; it has been called “the doctor’s nightmare”. Currently there is no known treatment for the PD scar, because every treatment has met with only sporadic and limited success. Men with PD are often told there is no proven or accepted treatment for their condition, and are told to learn to live with their limitation and pain. However, the most promising new therapy currently being investigated with increasing reports of success are the enzymes nattokinase and serrapeptase.

It is important to understand that an enzyme is a protein molecule that either starts or speeds up a chemical process without being used up or consumed in the process that it affects. Enzymes start or continue many thousands of complex chemical reactions that occur continuously throughout the body. They have been called “the fountain of life” because without them life could not exist. Over 3,000 protein-based enzymes start or speed up over 7,000 vital reactions in the body. Most enzymes are very specific in what they do; those enzymes of interest to PD – nattokinase, serrapeptase and bromelain – supply growing evidence they have great potential to reduce the fibrous material of the PD scar.
The idea behind taking enzymes to treat PD is to use a natural process of breaking up and eliminating abnormal fibrous tissue and foreign proteins. That’s what these enzymes appear to be designed to do – break up the bad stuff that should not be there, like the nasty PD scar. The body has a wisdom that detects the presence of these abnormal cells and tissue elements, and removes them whenever and wherever possible – using enzymes to treat PD takes advantage of that wisdom. You take advantage of the latest and the best of recent science when you use enzyme therapy to support and stimulate the body’s defense system.


The primary enzymes in NS FIBRIN are nattokinase and serrapeptase, accompanied by CoEnzyme Q10 and other enhancing nutritional elements, act to break down foreign fibrous tissue wherever it is detected in the body – such as in the fibrous nodule of scar tissue that is the basic problem in Peyronie’s disease. There has not yet been formal research for the clinical use of nattokinase and serrapeptase in PD. However, there are abundant favorable research reports with similar health problems that also have a fibrous tissue component, such as: uterine fibroids, fibrocystic breast disease, pulmonary fibrosis, hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), carpal tunnel syndrome and rheumatoid arthritis. These conditions all present similar tissue pathology, and this is often sufficient clinical justification to use medical treatment in related conditions.

The beneficial effect of using NS FIBRIN, which contains an exceptionally concentrated dose of nattokinase and serrapeptase along with synergistic compounds, is that it promptly begins to break down the abnormal PD fibrous scar tissue, and allows it to be gently removed from the body as any other cellular debris. However, added benefits of NS FIBRIN to the PD sufferer is that it also reduces inflammation around the scar region, improves local and systemic circulation, and improves the ability of the immune system to heal the scar area.
While reports of success have been received after the use of nattokinase and serrapeptase to remove the fibrous tissue that makes up the PD scar, progress is slow and requires prolonged and consistent treatment. Early reports are encouraging, and this is great news for any man with PD considering how difficult this condition is to treat with standard medical care. The use of enzyme therapy is an important part of a larger treatment program that is advocated by the Peyronie’s Disease Institute.


For the first time, men with PD using NS FIBRIN have some reason to be encouraged and have hope that their problem has a safe, reasonable and effective therapy that is showing encouraging results in this most difficult-to-treat condition.

Begin taking 3 pills, 3 times a day until the pain and curvature are eliminated. Once a normal erection is achieved, reduce the dosage to only 2 pills, 3 times a day for the next few months. At this point you may begin to taper your dosage to less than six per day. If symptoms begin to reappear, immediately increase your dosage until symptoms disappear. Continue at this dosage to prevent the symptoms from reappearing. In some extreme cases, full remission is not possible, but a majority of the curvature and pain are eliminated. NS FIBRIN is not a cure for the Peyronies condition, but may effectively eliminate the symptoms. In most cases when patients have discontinued the NS FIBRIN, symptoms did return over time. Once the discomfort has been eliminated, a moderate preventive dose is strongly recommended

Dupuytren’s Contracture and Ledderhose disease are nothing more than Peyronies of the hands and feet.


ANGINA PECTORIS – “NS FIBRIN helps to remove the causes of angina pectoris, that is, the excess deposition of fibrin and lipids in the coronary arteries.”

Angina is pain in the chest, usually caused by an inadequate supply of oxygen to the tissues of the heart. It is actually a symptom, not a disease, and is an indication of atherosclerosis in the heart’s coronary arteries or of a possible impending heart attack. Angina can occur when there is an increased demand for blood by the heart muscle (myocardium), but the coronary arteries are unable to adequately supply that blood. This is why angina victims may experience symptoms while engaged in some physical activity, such as jogging, lifting a heavy object, walking up a flight of stairs; while excited; or even after eating a heavy meal

The blood vessel linings are covered by a thin film of fibrin. Normally, equilibrium exists between fibrin synthesis and decomposition in the body-the body does not produce more fibrin than is needed to replace the fibrin that is destroyed. However, in angina, this equilibrium is disturbed and excessive deposit of lipids and fibrin form. As the deposits build up, the blood vessels narrow. This causes a disturbance of blood supply, eventually resulting in angina pectoris.

Enzymes help to remove the causes of angina pectoris, that is, the excess deposition of fibrin and lipids in the coronary arteries. One of the causes of angina pectoris is a reduction in the level of plasmin (a natural proteolytic enzyme in the body) over time. This decrease means that there are no longer enough enzymes in the blood to dissolve the ongoing deposition of fibrin and lipids in the blood vessels. Certain enzymes and enzyme mixtures (such as nattokinase, serrapeptase, bromelain, and papain,) stimulate fibrinolysis (fibrin breakdown) and increase blood flow. As a result, symptoms decrease, fibrin deposits are dissolved, and swelling is reduced.

Systemic enzyme therapy is used to reduce inflammation, break up fibrin, stimulate the immune system, and improve circulation. Enzymes decrease plaquing along the blood vessel walls, help speed tissue repair, bring nutrients to the damaged area, remove waste products, build general resistance, and enhance wellness.


ATHEROSCLEROSIS and CHOLESTEROL- NS Fibrin naturally softens hardened arteries

Atherosclerosis is the most common form of arteriosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is the buildup of fatty deposits called plaque on the inside walls of arteries. As plaque builds up in an artery, the artery gradually narrows and can become clogged. As an artery continues to narrow, less blood can flow through. The artery may also become less elastic, referred to as the hardening of the arteries. Atherosclerosis is the main cause of a group of diseases called cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Atherosclerosis can lead to clogged arteries in any part of the body. When the arteries to the heart are affected, angina (chest pain) or a heart attack may result. If arteries in the leg are affected, leg pain may occur. Atherosclerosis of the arteries to the brain can cause strokes. 
Atherosclerosis-related diseases are a leading cause of death and impairment in the United States, affecting over 60 million people.

The human body produces several types of enzymes for making thrombus, but only one main enzyme for breaking it down and dissolving it – plasmin. The properties of Nattokinase closely resemble plasmin. According to Dr. Martin Milner, from the Center for Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon, what makes Nattokinase a particularly potent treatment, is that it enhances the body’s natural ability to fight blood clots in several different ways; because it so closely resembles plasmin, it dissolves fibrin directly. In addition, it also enhances the body’s production of both plasmin and other clot-dissolving agents, including urokinase (endogenous). “In some ways, Milner says, Nattokinase is actually superior to conventional clot-dissolving drugs. T-PAs (tissue plasminogen activators) like urokinase (the drug), are only effective when taken intravenously and often fail simply because a stroke or heart attack victim’s arteries have hardened beyond the point where they can be treated by any other clot-dissolving agent. Nattokinase, however, can help prevent that hardening with an oral dose of as little as 100 mg a day. NS-Fibrin effectively lowers cholesterol.



Recent clinical studies have shown that serrapeptase induces fibrinolytic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edemic (prevents swelling and fluid retention) activity in a number of tissues, and that its anti-inflammatory effects are superior to other proteolytic enzymes. Besides reducing inflammation, one of serrapeptase’s most profound benefits is reduction of pain, due to its ability to block the release of pain-inducing amines from inflamed tissues. Physicians throughout Europe and Asia have recognized the anti-inflammatory and pain-blocking benefits of this naturally occurring substance and are using it in treatment as an alternative to salicylates, ibuprofen and other NSAID.

Don’t deprive yourself of the miraculous benefits of enzyme therapy, see how naturally and safely your energy reemerges and your pain begins to disappear!. Purchase a bottle of the strongest fibrinolytic systemic enzyme available today – NS FIBRIN is a logical choice to replace harmful non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents. Thanks to the tiny larvae of the silk moth, researchers have taken a large step toward finding relief for CFS sufferers. 


While there hasn’t been a cure for the disease many IBD sufferers have been symptom free for years using extensively selective diets and the addition of supplements such as enzymes. NS FIBRIN provides several anti-inflammatory enzymes that synergistically work together to reduce sever inflammation. One of the main ingredients in NS FIBRIN is pharmaceutical grade Serratiopeptidase or Serrapeptase. Serrapeptase is a naturally derived enzyme from the bacteria commonly known as serration E15. This enzyme is prescription only in Europe and commonly sold as the ethical drug Dasen®. Serrapeptase is an extremely safe substance to take that has not been reported to have any side effects when taken orally. NS FIBRIN also contains Nattokinase, an enzyme that has been clinically tested to kill toxic bacteria in the colon and throughout the body. Several other enzymes have been added to NS FIBRIN’s exclusive blend that offer antioxidant as well as blood cleansing properties. The ingredients in NS FIBRIN have been clinically tested to remove pathogens from the blood, rebalance the immune system, create higher nutrient absorption, and speed tissue healing by as much as 80%.



Take highly fibrinolytic systemic enzymes, as these will eat away at both the fibrosis building up in the blood vessels (all of them from the tiny capillaries to the major arteries), and the scar tissue accruing on the Glomeruli. Add garlic to the diet and take NG4L Garlic (2 caps 3x/day) to help open blood vessels and keep the vascular walls strong and drink eight 8 ounce glasses of water per day.


Multiple Sclerosis is believed to be an autoimmune disease. The exact causes of MS remain a mystery in modern medicine. The nerves of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) are covered by a thin protective insulation called myelin. For unknown reasons, the immune system in patients with MS produces antibodies that destroy this protective myelin layer. A layer of scar tissue forms on the myelin and disrupts the communication of adjacent nerve fibers. The result can be uncontrollable neurological functions that seem to come and go sporadically like episodes. Some of the major debilitating affects are numbness, loss of coordination, speech, eyesight, bowel and bladder control, tremors, dizziness and vertigo. In many MS patients the condition is either progressive or chronic affecting parts of the body where nerve endings are covered by scar tissue deposits and severe inflammation.

Although MS is not truly understood the blood serum of MS patients contains higher concentrations of CIC (Circulating Immune Complexes). Increased levels of CIC production indicate an auto immune condition is present. Auto immune conditions lead to a hyperactive immune response where the body actually attacks itself. This uncontrollable damage eventually leads to nerve damage and systemic inflammation.


Two general categories exist for conventional treatments with pharmacy drugs. The first minimizes symptoms (such as loss of bladder control, spastic colon, fatigue) and the second, known as an immunosuppressant, treats the underlying condition. Enzyme therapy on the other hand is much less expensive and non-toxic to the body and in many cases much more successful in the long term than conventional drugs. Enzyme therapy works to both relieve the symptoms as well as address the underlying condition. Systemic enzymes immediately begin to reduce waste material from the bloodstream while reducing the amount of exogenous CICs. Of the two types of CICs, endogenous CICs are life sustaining and important for organ function as well as digestion, while exogenous CICs promote inflammation and are damaging to the body.

Enzymes are lock and key mechanisms that seek out exogenous CICs while leaving other CICs intact to perform normal bodily functions. Along with reducing exogenous CIC levels and removing waste material, enzymes actually increase the body’s ability to repair itself by increasing nutrient absorption to the affected areas. Enzymes not only decrease the inflamed areas but also have the amazing ability to break down fibrin, the substance that eventually creates fibrosis (scar tissue). Reducing the amount of fibrin in the blood reduces the amount of scar tissue that can form in the body. Enzymes have also been clinically studied to break down or emulsify scar tissue that has already formed. These cases have been documented in women that have fibroids and post-surgical scars as in C-Section surgery.


The removal of scar tissue and inflammation is key to restoring neurological function in MS patients with nerve damage. By reducing exogenous CIC levels in the blood, immune function is modulated and homeostasis is returned. Using enzymes to modulate the immune system allows the body to regain energy levels and lessen fatigue, thus allowing the body to repair properly and increase bodily resistance to colds and viruses.

Since MS is characterized as an auto immune condition, many steps should be taken to reduce the provocation of immune response. Taking systemic enzymes such as NS FIBRIN should prove to be an excellent way to reduce MS symptoms while allowing the body to heal naturally and without drugs. Adding digestive therapies like NG4L ENZYMES to each meal supplements the body’s ability to breakdown food and actually allows the pancreas to perform other functions in the body. While products like NG4L ACIDOPHILUS AND SPIRULINA are especially important to increase beneficial microflora our body’s first line of defense against unwanted foreign pathogens and germs. Combining these products produces a synergistic effect. Each product was specifically designed to complement each other and has proven to be one of the best regimens for auto immune conditions. 



Systemic enzyme therapy offers the same benefits as taking muscle relaxers, with pain relievers. Systemic enzyme therapy is in no way immediate, replacement for what are now being classified as coping drugs. The major benefit of systemic enzyme supplementation with your current prescribed medication protocol is twofold. Prescription medication will enable the body to temporarily ignore pain and irritation while the enzymes are synergistically working to do the same as well as stimulating the immune system, increasing cellular repair naturally. Patients suffering from peripheral neuropathy have reported complete pain relief within the first few weeks of using the systemic enzyme NS FIBRIN. At this time enzymes concentrations will be in high enough in the blood stream that the patient may feel medication is no longer needed. In some extreme cases pain medication is still needed, as the condition is so severe. In these rare cases systemic enzymes actually improve the effectiveness of these drugs and sufferers are noticeably worsened if systemic enzyme therapy is not consistent.



Yes NS FIBRIN detoxifies your body. As you begin to take NS FIBRIN, large amounts of waste material build up in the bloodstream and are then processed through the lymph system during the first few weeks of use. This is typical as the fibrous material is released into the bloodstream to be excreted through the urine and bowel movements. You may notice softened stool and pungent urine during the first few weeks of use, as well as a thicker vaginal discharge. Waste material, including blood debris and impurities, are also removed during this period. You may notice symptoms that include dry mouth, diarrhea, headache and nausea. This is typical and is usually only temporary. This is the “highlighting effect of NS Fibrin. We recommend drinking plenty of water during detoxification to allow the body to dilute the toxins that are being expelled and make sure to drink at least eight ounces with each dose. If at any point you may start to feel ill you may be detoxifying too quickly. Decreasing your dosage for a more gradual and comfortable detoxification period is therefore recommended. It may take several days to completely cleanse the body of unwanted debris.


NS FIBRIN’s formulation is more complete and essential than a daily vitamin. Replace the enzymes that Mother Nature has taken away from us as we age. NS FIBRIN is radically more advanced than today’s leading systemic enzyme blends. NS FIBRIN contains several sources of anti-oxidant fighting ingredients, as well as the full spectrum of proteolytic (protein digesting) enzymes, enterically coated to adapt to a wide spectrum of PH levels. NS FIBRIN’s exclusive formulation contains several highly concentrated digestive enzymes that enable the body to digest fats, proteins, sugars, and carbohydrates. These digestive enzymes convert the food we eat into energy rather than stored fat. NS FIBRIN Contains:

COENZYME-Q10 (CO-Q10), which has the following benefits:

– Decreases the proliferation of free radicals, stimulates the immune system.
– Stimulates the metabolism vastly improving weight loss and the conversion of energy.
– Essential to the production of ATP, cell respiration, electron transfer and the reduction cellular oxidation.
– Beneficial in aiding the treatment of congestive heart failure and lowering blood pressure
– Has been clinically found to slow the effects of Parkinson’s disease.


Serratiopeptidase (Serrapeptase): (Proteolytic Protein digesting enzyme) which:

-Used as a nontoxic pain reliever substitute for (Aspirin or Tylenol)
-Blocks the release of pain-inducing amines from inflamed tissues.
-Activates plasmin “the bodies naturally released fibrinolytic enzyme”.
-Thins mucus secreted by the mucus membrane “beneficial to sinusitis sufferers”
-Emulsifies deposits of cholesterol, calcium and fibrin resulting in heart disease
-Dissolves the Isoprin bond (protein Shell) on viruses rendering the virus useless

Nattokinase (Fibrinolytic enzyme) derived from soybeans

-Dissolves thrombus “blood clots”, arterial plaque
-Lowers blood pressure by reducing the viscosity of blood
-May reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
-Contains powerful antioxidant beneficial to protecting the prostate gland and eliminating free radicals

The benefits of SEBkinase:

– Excellent cardiovascular support
– Works continuously throughout the pH variations in the digestive tract
– Helps keep fibrin and its harmful effects under control
– Can be used safely with other dietary supplements

The benefits of NattoSEB

– Strong anti-oxidant effect, which may help alleviate stomach ulcers
– Anti-bacterial properties helps clean the bowels and eliminate dead debris
– Oxidation of fatty acid helps in the reduction of cholesterol
– Fibrinolytic action breaks up blood clots and enhances blood flow
– Essential to stabilizing blood pressure and maintaining cardiovascular health
– May be administered orally and is absorbed in the intestinal tract


The benefits of Peptizyme

– Absorbs released amino acids and selectively locates the desired amino acids
– Repairs muscles and boosts energy levels
– Useful for body builders, to have leaner body mass, and/or protein utilization sufferers

Bromelain: (Proteolytic Protein digesting enzyme) derived from pineapple

– Reduces pain associated with arthritis
– Acts as an anti-coagulant or blood thinning agent
– Acts with the body to activate the body’s own natural immune response
– Anti-inflammatory properties show promising results for patients with rheumatic disorders
– Effective for dermatological conditions characterized by inflammation and pruritus.
– May be beneficial for those suffering from sepsis, autoimmune disorders, and protein utilization deficiencies.

Papain: (Proteolytic Protein digesting enzyme) derived from papaya

– Aids digestion, reduces flatulence gas/bloating, diarrhea, and cramps
– Helps keep skin healthy and soft and speeds healing of bruises and other tissue injuries
– Contains anti-inflammatory properties shown to reduces pain/stiffness of arthritis
Rutin: (Non Enzyme “Flavanoid”)

– Strengthens capillaries and connective tissue and is a very effective anti-inflammatory
– May have antihistamine and antiviral properties
– May be beneficial to protecting blood vessels
– Increases wound healing in laboratory studies

Amla: (Non Enzyme) derived from Indian Gooseberry

– Richest and best source of vitamin C “effective anti-oxidant”
– Contains tannic acid, glucose, cellulose and calcium
– Useful for stomach ailments and is an effective antipyretic (fever reducer)
– Effective as a Nerve, brain and hair tonic
– May be beneficial to anemic individuals
– Helps balance hyperacidity and balance PH levels
– May be beneficial to those with gynecological problems and epistaxis “nosebleeds”

Magnesium: (Non Enzyme)

– Promotes a healthy cardiovascular system
– Combats pre-menstrual syndrome, kidney and gallstones
– Useful in the treatment of prostate problems and keeps teeth healthier
– Essential for cell repair, hormones, and a regular heartbeat
– Helps reduce stress

Weight 139 g

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