
Neosize X+++


20 in stock

  •  Stimulates sperm production and increases sperm volume ;
  •  Increases sexual decay ;
  • Increase the diameter and size of the penis ;
  • Promotes the achievement of a more rigid and better sustained erection ;
  •  Promotes the achievement of more intense orgasms for the man and for his partner;
  • Increases endurance and performance in bed ;
  • Treats erectile sexual dysfunction and precoceous ejaculation.

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11 items sold

20 in stock

  • Advantages
  • NG4L Neo XL is made from 100% natural ingredients
  • It treats erectile dysfunction while increasing the size and diameter of the penis
  • It ensures fast and effective results within weeks without going through any surgery
  • Enjoys fame thanks to its years of success

  Indications: increase in the diameter and size of the penis, erectile sexual dysfunction , premature ejaculation, hypospermia, decreased sexual desire, lack of sexual energy 

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It is customary to say that men and their sex are a funny couple, so much the attention they pay to their penis is special. They look at it, measure it, compare it, talk about it, and for some, talk to it. Object of pride or complexes, the penis takes on a singular dimension in the eyes of man. More than just an organ, it symbolizes his virility and his greatest pride. Without advocating the cult of performance, sex life is an undeniable component of harmonious health . It cannot therefore be denied, in any case, the few grams of flesh, nerves and tissues fragilely anchored under the male navel continue to weigh heavily in the definition of virility and self-esteem; this organ with eight hundred synonyms, under its puny exteriors , shapes the depths of the personality of a worker.


NG4L Neo XL is a powerful natural formula in the form of male pills that do much more than claim to improve sexual functions. In fact, this special combination of plant and natural compounds increases libido and sperm volume, as well as penis size. NG4L Neo XL uses 100% natural ingredients . It is a combination of several types of plants that are known aphrodisiacs and energy boosters , such as Mucuna ( boosting libido), Albizzia (calms the mind, anxiety, improves insomnia, irritability,), Asteracantha (improved sexual performance), and Vidarikanda (promotes healthy sperm production ). These are among the most powerful natural remedies available for the valorization of today’s men. Most ingredients are rare and found only in certain parts of the world. This is the case of Gokshura (improves sperm quality) and Ashwagandha (increases sexual desire). These ingredients can act as very powerful aphrodisiacs, even when used alone. Their combination therefore brings multiple potentialities.


like a CEO. To summarize André Giordan, epistemologist and physiologist, professor at the University of Geneva, “The little boy lives in the uncertainty of his first use, the adolescent in the throes of the permanence of his power, the mature man in the fear of his loss and the old man in the despair of his softening.” One of the great physiological singularities of humans is their permanent ability to have sex, unlike animals that only have sex during the mating season , continues the epistemologist. Evolution has made the woman totally available for the exercise in love. The human male must therefore provide proof at all times that he is able to respond. The instrument of this potentiality is the penis. Since the dawn of humanity, it has been the symbol of virility, the visible and unavoidable part of an iceberg : the true “nature” of man. ».

                                                             GO TO BUY NOW

It is interesting to note that women are not known to commit suicide because of frigidity, while impotence can push a man there. Patients who have never had a sexuality in their lives often come to consult because they no longer have an erection; they feel more manly they say. To become the ideal man under the duvet, it is important not only to highlight his performance but also his anatomy. The NG4L Neo XL formula is one of the only ones on the market that interests all aspects of male sexuality namely libido, performance, height and volume of sex, erectile strength.


How NG4L Neo XL works

Several of the natural ingredients included in natural NG4L Neo XL are known to improve libido, while others have the ability to improve overall penis health. It has also been noted that some of the ingredients, including Tribulis, is a natural testosterone enhancer. This herb is known to improve the blood circulation of the penis whenever you have an erection and to improve your libido. This supplement stimulates every element involved in sexual pleasure . It acts both on the performance and on the functions of man. It contributes to the effectiveness of erection by improving blood flow in the penile region , increases the intensity of the body, improves nervous arousal, reduces premature ejaculation and time post-coital recovery through inhibition of inhibits Phosphodiesterase-5. Shwet musali extract , Vridhadaru and Guduchi, another natural ingredient in this formula, have been scientifically recognized for their effects.

stimulating on male sexuality. Zinc, on the other hand, is the essential mineral for sperm production .


PRESENTATION : box of 60 capsules

Serving Size : 2 Dose Per Box : 30


Quantity per serving

% values


Mucuna pruriens (atmagupta)

85 mg


Albizzia lebbeck (shirish)

70 mg


Asteracantha longifolia(Kolkilaksha)

65 mg


Pueraria tuberosa (Vidarikanda)

65 mg


Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha)

65 mg


Tribulus terrestris (Gokshura)

60 mg


Chlorophytum arundinacaem (Shwet musali)

55 mg


Argyreia speciosa (Vridhadaru)

55 mg


Tinospora cordifolia (Guduchi)

40 mg


DOSAGE: adult, take one capsule twice daily as a dietary supplement .

Public Price (FCFA)

Daily cost (FCFA)




Weight 91 g

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