Male Sperm Booster


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  • Male Sperm Booster
  • Sperm Booster protects sperm from the harmful effects of oxidation;
  • Helps prevent sperm agglutination ;
  • Helps to ensure the proper functioning of the male reproductive system
  • Promotes adequate sperm production

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Male Sperm Booster Restores and naturally improve your reproductive function.

 Benefits of Male Sperm Booster

  • NG4L Male Sperm Booster protects sperm from the harmful effects of oxidation;
  • Male sperm booster helps prevent sperm agglutination ;
  • Male Sperm Booster improves sperm quality in smokers;
  • Male Sperm booster promotes adequate sperm production;
  • Male sperm booster helps to maintain sperm volume;
  • Male Sperm Booster is necessary for the production of testosterone ;
  • Male sperm booster prevents sperm morphological disorders;
  • Male sperm booster improves sperm motility ;
  • Male sperm booster promotes the normalization of sperm motility in a man with low sperm count, thus increasing the chances of fertilization;
  • Male sperm booster tones the reproductive organs in humans;
  • Male sperm booster boosts the immune system and resistance
  • Male sperm booster possesses a powerful aphrodisiac power, favorable to a more fulfilled sexuality.


Nowadays, more and more couples are encountering difficulties in achieving a much desired pregnancy. In more than a third of the cases, male infertility is at the root of this problem. When faced with infertility, after the couple’s first consultation and the results of the examination, one can turn to a male-related cause of infertility.

However, the man’s responsibility for infertility is a more difficult notion to define. On the one hand because men consult much less and tend to prevail their ego when it comes to their sexuality and their fertility power, and on the other hand because the fertility power of sperm can be estimated, but not quantified with certainty. In fact, male fertility depends on several factors.

Sterility or infertility is generally referred to as infertility when a couple is unable to have a child after a year of unprotected sex (or after six months in case the woman is about 35 years old). Indeed, in a couple, infertility can be due to a health problem in men, women or both. Sperm abnormalities are related to the most common causes of male infertility and are very often symptomatic of other diseases or disorders.

In fact, the sperm must have an adequate shape and be able to move quickly and accurately towards the egg for fertilization. It will not be able to reach or penetrate the egg if it has an abnormal shape or structure (morphology) or if its movement (motility) is impaired.


Male Sperm Booster

For this reason, a spermogram is very often necessary to determine the possible causes of this dysfunction. Semen is obtained by masturbation or coitus interruptus. The ejaculate is collected in a clean glass jar. Condoms are not suitable because they contain chemical agents that inactivate the sperm. The ejaculate must be examined quickly. The data currently accepted for judging the quality of the semen are listed in the table below:



Volume (ml)




alive (%)


mobile (%)


abnormal (%)


2 à 5

40 à 200








20 à 40

70 à 80

60 à 80

30 à 50



1,5 à 2


10 à 20

50 à 70

40 à 60

50 à 80


> 7





The spermogram can then reveal:

  • Oligospermia when the concentration is less than 20 million/cm3
  • Azoospermia when the concentration is less than 10 million/cm3
  • Asthenospermia when the motile sperm count is less than 60%.
  • Teratospermia when there are more than 50% of abnormal spermatozoa
  • An aspermia, that is to say an absence of sperm The causes of male sterility are grouped together :

A dysfunction or low sperm production. As mentioned above, the majority of cases of male infertility are due to sperm abnormalities. These problems may be related to other factors such as: varicocele (is an enlargement of the veins within the loose bag of skin that holds your testicles), anemia, or anemia in the sperm.


The testicles are lowered into the scrotum (e.g., varicose veins can prevent the normal cooling of the testicles, leading to a reduction in sperm count and motility).

(chryptorchidism); low testosterone production (male hypogonadism); genetic abnormality such as Klinefelter’s syndrome.

Infections Sperm motility can be temporarily affected by an infection. Most often, repeated attacks of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as chlamydia and gonorrhea are the cause of male infertility. At the end of the scarring process of the lesions they cause, these infections can leave after-effects that block the passage of semen. In addition, if the man has mumps during puberty, at that time, the inflammation of the testicles could alter the production of sperm. In addition, sperm motility could be affected by inflammation of the prostate (prostatitis), urethra or epididymis.

A weak ejaculate. Not being able to produce a good quantity of sperm can lead to sterility.

 Sexual issues: These are problems related to sexual intercourse or technique. Premature ejaculation, painful intercourse, psychological or relationship problems can affect the strength of semen ejaculation, while the use of lubricants such as oil or Vaseline can be toxic to semen.

Retrograde ejaculation: here, instead of coming out through the penis during orgasm, the semen is diverted and sent to the bladder. Retrograde ejaculation can be caused by several diseases such as diabetes, a post-surgical after-effect on the bladder, prostate or urethra and the use of certain medications (alpha blockers).

Epididymal or sperm tract obstruction: Some men have congenital deficits of obstruction of part of the testicles containing sperm (epididymis) or of the ejaculatory tract. Others have

There is no tube (vas deferens) to transport sperm from the testicles to the exit of the penis;

Lack of ejaculate: Lack of ejaculate can occur in men with spinal cord trauma or disease.

Hypospadias: following a congenital malformation, the urinary meatus is found abnormally under the penis. If not corrected through surgery, this deformity could prevent sperm from reaching a woman’s cervix;

Cystic fibrosis: men suffering from this disease very often have vas deferens obstructed or malformed;


In most cases, there is no explanation for the reduction in sperm production. On the other hand, a sperm concentration of less than 5 million spermatozoa per ml could be caused by genetic factors. In addition, a blood test may be necessary and it is possible to determine a possible change in the Y chromosome.

General health and lifestyle. A man’s general health and lifestyle can influence his fertility. There are several common causes of infertility related to lifestyle and health:

Emotional stress and malnutrition (a lack of nutrients such as Vitamin C, Selenium, Zinc and Folic Acid could lead to infertility).

Obesity, cancer and its treatment (cancer treatment with radiation and chemotherapy can weaken sperm production). The closer the radiation is to the testicles, the greater the risk. The removal of one of the testicles because of cancer can also affect fertility).

Alcohol and drugs (addiction to alcohol and drugs can lead to poor health and reduced fertility, but also to taking certain medications). In addition, cocaine and marijuana use can temporarily reduce the quantity and quality of your sperm).


 Other health-related factors (an open wound or major surgery can affect your fertility). Certain diseases or ailments such as diabetes, thyroid disease, Cushing’s syndrome or anemia can also affect your infertility.

Age (a gradual drop in fertility levels is common in men aged 35 and over).

Environmental considerations. Prolonged exposure to certain environmental components, such as heat, toxins and chemicals, can reduce sperm numbering either directly (by affecting the functioning of the testicles) or indirectly (by altering the male hormonal system). Specific causes include:

Pesticides and other chemicals. Herbicides and pesticides can change male to female hormones and may be associated with reduced sperm production and an increased risk of testicular cancer. Initial exposure can also cause infertility.

Excessive exposure of the testicles to heat. Frequent use of saunas or hot tubs can increase your body temperature, weakening sperm production and reducing sperm numbering.


Smoking. It is likely that smokers have lower sperm numbers than non-smokers.

In all cases, it is important that appropriate tests are carried out to determine the exact cause of the infertility. Sometimes there is no specific cause. And in most cases, infertility is a harmless discomfort that can be very easily relieved with appropriate treatment. The NG4L Sperm Booster formula is part of this approach, which aims to provide the most effective solutions to male infertility problems.

DESCRIPTION: NG4L Sperm Booster is a complex containing Vitamin C, Zinc, Astragalus, L-cartinin and damiana. This special formula aims to protect the sperm from the harmful effects of oxidation and helps to prevent its agglutination and thus improve its motility, to provide the elements necessary for the proper functioning of the male reproductive system in general by toning it, and to maintain the volume of semen and the production of testosterone. In addition, its aphrodisiac capacities offer a real boost to male sexuality, combining pleasure, sexual efficiency and male fertility.


DESCRIPTION: Box of 90 capsules

Supplement Facts

Serving size: 1                                                              Dose per box: 90


Quantity per dose

% daily values

Vitamin C (calcium carbonate)

75 mg


Zinc (amino acid chelate)

50 mg


L carnitine L tartrate

300 mg


Damiana (leaves hrodisiaca) of tumera

250 mg


Astragalus (roots embranaceus of astragalus

25 mg


* Daily values not established.

Other ingredients: gelatin, rice powder, magnesium stearate and magnesium dioxide,  silicone


How does NG4L Sperm Booster work?

Vitamin C. This micronutrient presents itself as the real ally of spermatozoa. It prevents the sperm from sticking together or sticking to each other. This phenomenon of agglutination is very often responsible for infertility in couples. The spermatozoa go around in circles and are unable to progress through the female partner’s genital tract. Fertilization of the egg is therefore compromised. A diet enriched with vitamin C would improve sperm quality. The sperm would become faster and more mobile. By making more linear movements, sperm have a better chance of reaching the egg. Vitamin C has also been scientifically shown to improve the DNA quality of sperm in men over 45 years of age and to improve the quality of the sperm.

A vitamin C supplement has been shown to improve sperm quality among smokers. The spermatozoa would consequently be less carriers of genetic defects. Many fruits and vegetables contain vitamin

  1. It is found in citrus fruits such as lemon, orange, grapefruit but also in Kiwi, cauliflower, bell pepper and watercress. Some aromatic plants such as parsley, chives and chervil contain it but in limited quantities. NG4L Sperm Booster immediately covers more than 100% of the recommended daily dose of vitamin C.


L carnitine and L tartrate. Sperm development, like the development of other specialized cells, is an extremely complex process that begins with immature sperm cells in the testicles and ends with fully mature and motile sperm capable of fertilization. L-carnitine (LC) and acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC), play a key role in the efficiency of energy metabolism and maturation of the sperm membrane. During development, maturation and post-ejaculatory processes, semen depends on different metabolic strategies and uses a variety of substances for their energy source. Regardless of the substance used, L-carnitine is intimately involved in the use. L-carnitine is involved in the transport of fats through the cell where they can be converted into usable energy. In addition to the transport of fatty acids through the cell for energy production, L-carnitine also removes excess acyl groups (end and intermediate products of fatty acid metabolism) from the cell, thus enabling further enzymatic processes that would otherwise be hindered by the formation of unused acyl groups. The mature sperm must be both motile and flexible in order to reach an egg and fertilize it.

The flexibility of the cell wall is determined by the fat composition of the sperm membrane, more specifically by the quantity and quality of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The degree of unsaturation of the membrane increases as the sperm matures. The primary source of the acetyl groups for this unsaturation process is acetyl-L-carnitine. These acetyl groups are also important for membrane repair following free radical attack. In this function, acetyl-L-carnitine also behaves as an antioxidant.


Zinc. Zinc is essential for viable sperm count, motility, and for having a high percentage of live sperm in the semen. Zinc is present in semen and therefore men can lose too much zinc per ejaculate. It is therefore important to adopt effective compensatory measures.

Researchers at the University of Nijmegen (Netherlands) followed 108 fertile and 103 infertile men, whose sperm examination (spermogram) revealed a sperm concentration of 5 to 20 million per milliliter. The study did not include men with a concentration of less than 5 or none (azoospermia).

The blood levels of folic acid and zinc in their blood and sperm were similar in both groups. For 26 weeks, men in both groups followed one of four diets: folic acid and placebo, zinc and placebo, zinc and folic acid, two placebos. Results: Infertile men who received both supplements showed a 74% increase in sperm concentration and a slight 4% increase in abnormal sperm. A similar trend was observed in fertile men. NG4L Sperm Booster immediately provides much more than the recommended daily dose of zinc.

Astragalus. It is a Chinese plant that has now gained popularity in the world of medical research. Scientific research has indeed established that Astragalus has a stimulating effect on sperm production and also helps to improve sperm motility.


Damiana. This plant recognized as an aphrodisiac and antidepressant, stimulates the sexual organs and treats premature ejaculation. Damiana is a small shrub with aromatic leaves that grows mainly in Mexico, Central America, South America and the West Indies. Its botanical name is turnera diffusa aphrodisiaca, a name that clearly describes its aphrodisiac properties to enhance sexual pleasure.

The substances contained in damiana act as a stimulant and irritant of the genitals, increasing the circulation and nerve sensitivity of both the penis and clitoris. These substances improve the flow of blood in these areas, ensuring an intense erection in men and stronger sensations in the vagina in women, making it very libidinous.

In Holland, damiana is famous for its aphrodisiac qualities and its positive effects on the genitals. Experts have suggested that the alkaloids contained in damiana have an action similar to that of testosterone, but they have nothing to do with this hormone.

It acts as a psychostimulant, aphrodisiac, diuretic, expectorant and mild laxative. It is used in psychophysical depression and in cases of impotence. It is also used in convalescence.


Speaking in purely sexual terms, it seems that damiana stimulates the center of erection, located at the parasympathetic pelvic-sacral level, and allows a general restoration of sexual desire. Of damiana, one uses the leaves which one collects during the bloom.

Its use is essential in the event of decrease of the libido, impotence and frigidity. But it is also useful to increase a state of normal libido.

INDICATIONS: Oligospermia, azoospermia, asthenospermia, teratospermia, aspermia, hypospermia, decreased sexual desire, premature ejaculation.

DOSAGE: Adults should take one capsule two to three times a day, preferably after meals.

Weight 106 g

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