
Ionic Colloidal Silver -118ml


25 in stock

  • Colloidal Silver is the premier immune system booster
  • Reliefs pain and accelerated healing
  • General disinfectant and antiseptic

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25 in stock




 Benefits of Ionic colloidal silver

  • Water / Bactericide and disinfectant
  • Ionic colloidal Silver is the premier immune system booster
  • Pain Relief and Accelerated Healing
  • Ionic colloidal silver is a general Disinfectant and Antiseptic
  • Ionic colloidal silver is a universal Antibiotic



Buried in the mists of time it was believed that certain metals had magical and healing powers. These metals became precious and were used for adornment and incorporated within the daily household use of those privileged families holding high office in the land. The metals, which were considered, endowed with magical and healing properties were gold and silver. The belief came to the fore during the ancient Greek period when it was discovered or more specifically rediscovered, that when silver was taken in minute quantities it acted as a defense to the body, enhanced healing and served as a protector to the entire human body. This was when they noted that in battle the upper class that had silver canteens never got dysentery but other troops did.

During the Middle Ages right up to the early part of the 20th century the use of pure silver wire inserted into battle wounds or the result of hunting accidents, seemed to keep the wound clean of infection and accelerated healing. Wrapping wounds in silver foil was a common treatment around the turn of the century to prevent infection. The Egyptians used silver as a thin beaten paper-like product and wrapped it around wounds to avoid infection.

The Druids lined their drinking vessels with the metal for disinfecting and sanitizing water. Settlers in the Australian outback suspended silverware in water tanks to retard spoilage.

The use of silver as a germ fighter and disinfectant has been known for centuries. The wealthier members of earlier societies sometimes stored their drinking water in silver containers. Silver coins were often placed in milk and other perishable liquids to preserve them. Silver has long been a favored material for the fabrication of eating utensils.

Colloidal silver was well known as a germ fighter in the earlier part of the last century, but due to costly manufacturing methods, the price was prohibitive. In the 1930’s people were paying as much as $100.00 an ounce. This led to the search for cheaper ways to kill germs


It has subsequently been found by many eminent scholars, doctors, scientists and Nobel Prize winners that silver taken in its colloidal form becomes the perfect immune system stimulator and destroys all known bacteria, viruses and germs. In fact the effect of colloidal silver on single cell invaders is its instant destruction within twelve minutes of contact.

 What is a colloid?

The term colloid refers to a substance that consists of ultra-fine particles that are suspended in a medium of different matter (i.e. a non-soluble mineral suspended in water). The particles in a colloid are typically 0.01 to 0.001 of a micron in diameter, or about four-thousandths to four millionths of an inch. There are two methods that were primarily used to manufacture colloidal silver; the grind process and the electro-colloidal process. Today, the FDA still allows both manufacturing techniques to be used. However, of these two methods the electro-colloidal manufacturing process (which NG4L uses) is generally considered to be far superior. With the grind method, the particles of silver are usually no finer than four one-thousandth of an inch and they may or may not be electrically charged. The size of the silver particle is so large compared to the possible charge that the repelling forces would not be strong enough to offset the pull of gravity on the particles, which will tend to settle to the bottom of the solution, producing a less effective product. This does not happen in the electro-colloidal manufacturing process.


What is ionic colloidal silver?

Colloidal silver may be described as microscopic particles of pure silver suspended in distilled water. Ranging from .001 to .015 microns in size, the particles carry a low positive charge of electricity, which enables them to keep suspended and pass through all human membranes.

Colloidal silver particles are invisible to the naked eye, but can be seen by projecting a focused beam of light through the liquid. The laser ray or light beam, invisible in clear air or pure water, will trace a visible path through a genuine colloidal suspension, like a headlight through fog. Known as the Tyndal effect, this can be used to verify that what you are buying is actually a colloidal liquid.

Colloidal silver is reduced down to its most basic elements by passing a predetermined electrical current through pure silver and immersing it in pure distilled water where the minute particles become charged and suspended in their colloidal form. It is silver in this format that carries the incredible healing and regenerative properties associated with silver today.


Colloidal silver carries an electrical charge, which has been tracked to the stimulation of natural cell re-growth, and blood cleansing. There is no toxic danger to the human body from ultra fine or super fine colloidal silver; if anything, the colloidal silver enhances the functional performance of the liver and kidneys and attacks and destroys any harmful bacteria.

 Ionic Colloidal silver versus antibiotics

As modern pharmaceutical companies rose to power, they responded to the need for cheaper ways to fight disease with antibiotic drugs. These drugs were highly effective on a narrow range of bacteria, and very inexpensive to make. The medical community was encouraged to prescribe them exclusively, even though a given antibiotic drug will effectively kill only six to eight different micro-organisms, and in spite of the fact that these germs can eventually develop strains that are immune to the drug. The uncontrolled use of antibiotics in some developing countries where they are available as over the counter medication is producing strains of super bugs that are highly resistant to antibiotic drugs. There is a definite danger of future plagues because of this.

It is a well-known fact that modern hospitals are dangerous places, due to the presence of highly resistant strains of bacteria resulting from the constant use of disinfectants. The weaker germs are destroyed, but a few of the strong survive to breed hardier strains. Thousands of people die each year as a result of exposure to antibiotic resistant bacteria contracted in hospitals.

This problem does not exist with colloidal silver. Colloidal silver is effective on over 650 viruses and bacteria, and resistant strains do not develop. Although colloidal silver is now much less costly to manufacture, the medical community ignored it, due to the fact that it is not a patentable product, and the large drug companies have no commercial interest in it, even though they are well aware of its power.


How Ionic colloidal silver works?

Colloidal silver kills bacteria and viruses by destroying the enzymes responsible for cellular respiration, thus depriving them of the ability to breathe. There is no chance that survivors can develop resistance or immunity to silver. Regular ingestion of small quantities of colloidal silver can act as a second immune system by assisting the body in the war against invading microorganisms. Unlike antibiotic drugs, colloidal silver is not toxic, and will not suppress the immune system.

The colloids are easily absorbed in the upper gastrointestinal tract and do not reach the lower intestines to damage friendly flora. Colloidal silver also acts as a tissue regenerative substance by stimulating the production of differentiating cells, which can be used to replace destroyed cells.


Who can take Ionic colloidal silver?

Since colloidal silver has no toxic side effects, it seems evident that anyone can take it, including adults, children, and those currently taking prescription and non-prescription drugs. Pregnant women and nursing mothers have successfully used it, but it advisable for them to be careful not to exceed the recommended dosage. Colloidal silver has also been used to control infections and fungal infections in pets and household plants. Edible garden plants will absorb the silver as part of their mineral intake. Eating them will be an excellent source of nutritional silver.


  1. Universal Antibiotic

Colloidal Silver acts as a powerful, broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent. An ordinary antibiotic kills perhaps a half-dozen different disease organisms (no viruses), but colloidal silver is known to be effective against over 650 disease organisms (germs, bacteria, parasites, giardia, viruses, fungus and other pathogens) without causing any known side effects.

Many forms of bacteria, fungus and viruses utilize a specific enzyme for their metabolism. Silver acts as a catalyst, effectively disabling the enzyme. It is toxic to all species tested of fungi, bacteria, protozoa, parasites and many viruses. To primitive life forms, silver is as toxic as the most powerful chemical disinfectants. There is no known disease-causing organism that can live in the presence of even minute traces of the silver. Based on laboratory tests, destructive bacteria, virus and fungus organisms are killed within minutes of contact. E.M.Crooks has stated that Colloidal Silver kills pathogenic organisms in three or four minutes upon contact. In fact, there is no microbe known that is not killed by colloidal silver



Colloidal silver has been used as a remedy for the following health problems:

Allergies, acne, arthritis, athlete’s foot, bladder infection, blood parasites, blood poisoning, boils, bubonic plague, burns, candida, cholera, colitis, chilblains, cold sores, colitis, conjunctivitis, cystitis, diphtheria, dysentery, dermatitis, diabetes, eczema, fibrositis, gangrene, gastritis, giardia, gonorrhea, hay fever, fungal infections, herpes, impetigo, inflammation, indigestion, influenza, intestinal infection, kreatitis, lymphangitis, HIV, leprosy, leukemia, lupus, Lyme’s Disease, malaria, meningitis, multiple sclerosis, neurasthenia, parasites, pneumonia, pleurisy, priritis ani, purulence, prostrate problems, ophthalmia, psoriasis, rhinitis, rheumatism, ringworm, Rosacea, scarlet fever, sevorrhes, sore throat, shingles, skin tumors, sinus infection, Staph and strep infections, parasitic infections, psoriasis, eye, mouth and ear infections, syphilis, stomach ulcer,  tooth decay, tuberculosis, thyroid, toxemia, trachoma, Trench-foot,  tonsillitis, viral infections, warts, whooping cough, and yeast infections etc.

Now science reveals that bacteria cause many cancers and even some heart problems and colloidal silver has been used effectively on a number of them! There is even an inflammatory form of diabetes which we have reports of users’ blood sugar levels returning to normal in a few days use!

  1. Colloidal silver, your immune system’s best friend

Dr. Gary Smith, a medical researcher, suggests that silver may be linked with the proper functioning of the body’s natural defense system and that people with an inadequate intake of silver may be more prone to illness.

Ionic Colloidal Silver is the premier immune system booster, since it reduces your pathogenic load so well, plus it has proven anti-inflammatory effects! Try it when you get a burn – no pain or even redness!


  1. Animals
    Colloidal Silver has also been very successful in Veterinary use, for instance the dreaded Canine Parvo virus. It also is routinely used for treating horses before breeding and to keep racehorses in top shape. When administering colloidal silver to animals avoid putting it in a water dish simply because colloidal silver is light sensitive and it’s hard to know how much is really being consumed before oxidation sets in. It might be more effective to pour a little colloidal silver on the animal’s food if they’re still eating, though this may inactivate the charge. Here are some additional tips for cats and dogs. Use a two-ounce horse syringe, without a needle, and draw up colloidal silver from a glass. Then, simply open the dog’s mouth and gently squirt it in a little at a time, usually from the side of the mouth. For cats, use a spray bottle and spray the fur. The first thing a cat does (after running away), is lick its fur to dry itself. Animals generally do not seem to need as much silver as people. I think they have fewer beliefs that interfere with getting well. If a one hundred pound dog is sick give him one to two ounces of colloidal silver, he will generally respond in about ten minutes and start jumping around like a nut. On the other hand, people with root canal infections say, the pain/infection is gone in about ten minutes after taking CS. I received a report from a woman who cured a puppy of a massive parvo infection in just two days with colloidal silver. She was putting colloidal silver in the puppy’s water. Colloidal silver is especially important for parrots that are very susceptible to a variety of infectious agents that can often lead to death.



It has also been used to spray on plant leaves, wet soil and fruit to control disease, enhance vitality and reduce parasite transmission (eggs are killed) and fungus damaged.  

Silvers strong anti-fungal properties have found extensive use in agriculture to improve germination and to accelerate growth and development without the use of poisons to kill plant and ground fungi. It also retards spoiling or rotting, making it quite effective in treating feed before storage. Again, government regulations limit its use, presumably to prevent buildup of undesirable levels in food products? Yet they allow most meat products to be laced with antibiotics and growth hormones. Cut flowers last much longer with Colloidal Silver added as the slimy stalk rot is prevented.

5.Water / Bactericide and disinfectant

While silver has been used for centuries to purify water, the National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA) developed modern ionization technology in the early days of the space program as a lightweight method of purifying recycled water on spacecrafts.

In the United States and Canada, more than 100 hospitals have installed silver-based water purifying systems to eradicate Legionnaire’s disease, deadly bacteria that infect hot water pipes and storage tanks in large buildings.

You can purify a gallon of water in 6 minutes by adding 1/2 teaspoon of Colloidal Silver. NASA proved as little as 40 parts per billion of silver ions can control bacterial growth in stored water. Today, silver is used by the Soviets to sterilize recycled water aboard the space stations. NASA also selected a silver water treatment system for the space shuttle. Many of the world’s airlines use silver water filters to protect passengers from diseases such as Dysentery.

Tests have been conducted in pools where gallons of raw sewerage were dumped in and then Colloidal Silver successfully killed all E. Coli bacteria in a very short time.

 At least two University studies demonstrated 40 parts per billion in public swimming pools, with heavy bather loads, was more effective then caustic chlorine. Colloidal Silver is growing in use for pool treatment to avoid the bad side effects of chlorine, namely eye and nose irritation, respiratory problems and discoloration of hair and swimsuits. Government regulations stand in the way of wider use in public facilities, as they require a residual chlorine level, which would mean dual treatment. SILDATE (a powder trivalent silver) is a commercial silver pool product available at some pool supply stores. Putting colloidal silver in the pool sharply reduces the chlorine required but also acts like a flocculate and settles out dirt if it is not circulated for a few days.


  1. General Disinfectant and Antiseptic:

Colloidal silver is used as a general disinfectant in cleaning solutions, diaper pail, etc.

Colloidal silver is added to wells or aerator water tanks to kill bacteria and algae.

Colloidal silver is added to birdbaths and wading pools to prevent bacteria and algae.

Colloidal silver is used in the bathroom as a disinfectant spray for the sinks, toilet and shower floor.

Colloidal silver is in the kitchen for cleaning counter tops and the refrigerator shelves and door seal.

Colloidal silver is applied topically on skin for warts, cuts, bites and burns.

As a general antiseptic, it is handy to keep a small spray bottle in the bathrooms and kitchen.

In industry, it safely prevents fungal and bacterial growth in process water and water based solvents, without being corrosive like Chlorine. Reduced exposure to infected solutions will of course reduce job related sickness and absenteeism.


The best water purifiers employ silver filters for antimicrobial treatment in addition to charcoal filters for odor and gas removal and fine porous filters for solids removal. It is not commonly known, but most inexpensive water filter systems become breeding grounds for bacteria, as the filter is rarely changed often enough and the collected solids become food for bacteria.

Other routine uses include watering plants, administering to pets, and disinfecting counter tops, sponges and cutting boards.

 Pain Relief and Accelerated Healing
Pain is caused by an interruption of the electrical current that normally flows throughout the body at 50 to 70 millivolts. At the point of injury, the current drops towards zero millivolts. This lack of electrical energy also impedes healing. Silver is a superconductor that bridges the electrical gap and restores healthy current flow. You can prove this to yourself by placing a silver coin on a burn and experiencing instant pain relief. Colloidal silver has anti-inflammatory effects.
In clinical trials at an FDA-approved laboratory, even silver-coated bandages were proven to have analgesic and regenerative properties.


HIV virus

Among a number of metal ions tested, Zn2+(zinc), Cu2+(copper), and Ag1+(silver) were found to be the most effective inhibitors of rennin and the HIV protease (data not shown). Kinetic analysis revealed that inhibition of rennin by Ag1+(silver) is basically identical with that seen with Zn2+(zinc), that is, noncompetitive, first order with respect to the metal.” Biochemistry, September 10, 1991.

There has been instant success with Colloidal Silver and immune compromised patients. A few examples are: Pink eye (topical) totally resolved in less than six hours; recurrent sinus infections (oral ingestion) resolved in eight days; acute cuticle infections – (topical) – twenty four hours.

Another major area with improved clinical results is in the area of bowel detoxification and dysbiosis. The Colloidal Silver has provided excellent removal of abnormal intestinal bacteria; also it has proved to be a great adjunct to our Candida Albicans, Epstein Barr Virus and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Dr. Henry Crooks (Use of Colloids in Health-Disease) found that silver in the colloidal state is highly germicidal, quite harmless to humans and absolutely non-toxic. From his bacteriological experiments with silver he concluded, “I know of no microbe that is not killed in laboratory experiments in six minutes”.


The come back of colloidal silver

In the early 1900’s, Colloidal Silver was considered to be one of the mainstays of antibiotic treatment. It is still considered to be the most universal antibiotic substance that is non-toxic in its micro concentrates of 10-25 ppm. It has been proven to be useful against over 650 different infectious conditions, as compared to traditional antibiotics, which are effective against only 6-12 conditions.

The comeback of silver in medicine began in the 1970’s. The late Dr. Carl Moyer, chairman of Washington University’s Department of Surgery, received a grant to develop better treatments for burn victims. Dr. Margraf, the chief biochemist, worked with Dr. Moyer and other surgeons to find an antiseptic strong enough, yet safe enough, to use over large areas of the body. As a result of their efforts, and that of other researchers, hundreds of important new medical uses for silver were found. Colloidal Silver is the only form of silver that can be used safely as a supplement. It is absorbed into the tissues at a slow enough rate that is non-irritating to the tissues, unlike silver nitrate, which reacts violently with body tissues because of its caustic action. The colloidal particles diffuse gradually throughout the blood and give prolonged therapeutic action.

With the advancements in the manufacturing process in recent years, the average person can afford to take advantage of this wonderful product. Colloidal Silver is now an economical and effective source of silver for maintaining good health and preventing many illnesses as nature intended.

Colloidal Silver is produced by a highly technical electro-colloidal method employing an electrical current. This allows extremely fine silver particles to be suspended in solution by the tiny charge placed on them. This process replaces the need for any chemicals or stabilizers and the product can be called a true colloid. The term “colloid” refers to a substance that consists of ultra fine particles. These particles cannot be seen by the naked eye and stay suspended as they are electrically charged. This activates the germicidal quality of the silver.


Effects on ‘friendly ‘ bacteria

Another advantage of correctly manufactured colloidal silver is that, with a particle size well below 1 micron (0.154 to .001), a 3 to 5 ppm (parts per million) concentration of colloidal silver is unlikely to affect friendly intestinal bacteria. When taken orally, sublingual absorption in the mouth directly into the bloodstream should occur before the silver particles have the opportunity to migrate into the small or large intestine where intestinal bacteria normally dominate. However, in the case of a known intestinal infection, enemas or colonies of colloidal silver could be utilized to directly expose the infection to the sterilizing benefit of colloidal silver.

Consumption of colloidal silver on a daily basis would significantly reduce the incidence of infection. The ability to do this safely could be a powerful preventive health measure to enhance the lives of millions of people susceptible to chronic infections. This is an opportunity only offered by properly prepared electro colloidal silver that contains 99.999% pure silver with no binding agents, stabilizers or proteins.


Maintenance Dosage and Dosage for Life-Threatening Illness
Humans have about 100 trillion body cells! Since ionic colloidal silver has over 100 trillion ions per tablespoon (if 5 PPM) that is enough for a maintenance dose. On the other hand, since your liver filters out silver within about 2 hours, to maintain a therapeutic dose in your blood stream, you should take some every hour or two. The safe EPA daily dose for 70 years of 5PPM is 14 teaspoons; so taking a teaspoon per hour is both safe and wise for any existing infection. This means taking 14 teaspoons daily for 70 years has no danger or side effects!

The generally accepted maintenance dose of one tablespoon/day day of 3-5 PPM Colloidal Silver internally. This happens to be the computed amount of elemental silver we used to get from eating fresh fruits and vegetables when they were part or our diet in the early 1900’s. Since then soil depletion caused by over farming has seriously reduced all trace minerals, including silver, by 85%.


Many say that just 2 to 4 drops a day are effective (Homeopathic dose). There can of course be no standard as we all react differently and have different microbial levels and intake. As a new user, be aware of the Herkimer effect, which any good antibacterial can cause. You may start to feel better and then get the symptoms of the flu as your elimination system is overloaded getting rid of dead pathogens. This is also called highlighting effect.

For serious illnesses the EPA daily dose of 14 teaspoons daily or more can be taken. There have been studies where taking 24 tablespoons a day for weeks produced no negative side effects, however, in a few rare cases kill off of friendly intestinal bacteria occurred. This is a normal problem with antibiotics!

A patient’s liver infection (considered untreatable by his Doctor) cleared up in two weeks with a dose of 32 ounces (946ml) per day! The most common mention of dosage for treating serious infections is a teaspoon per waking hour per day for a few days.

In general, I think it would be wise to regard 32 ounces per day at a concentration of 5 ppm as the maximum therapeutic dose for an adult weighing 150 pounds. This would mean 16 ounces per day might be appropriate as a maximum dosage for a child weighing 75 pounds who is suffering from a life-threatening illness.


How to take colloidal silver

Colloidal silver is most often taken orally, but it can also be atomized and inhaled into the nasal passages or lungs. It is easily absorbed through the tissues of the mouth and throat and should be held there and/or gargled for a few moments before swallowing. It makes an excellent douche for those suffering from vaginal infections. It can be used externally on wounds and skin lesions to eliminate infection and speed up the healing process. Unless a severe infection warrants it, it should not normally be used as an enema fluid because it can eliminate the friendly intestinal bacteria as well.

The small particle size allows sub-lingual adsorption directly into the blood stream, by swishing it around your mouth. Excess ions of silver released through normal elimination within 5 days. Only the large (non-ionic) silver particles produced by inferior manufacture methods are retained by the body but the worst case side effect is bluing of the skin after a year of excessive consumption.

Medical applications by doctors often require direct injection into an infected site such as a gangrene area. Many cases have been reported of avoiding amputation of infected limbs when treatment with Colloidal Silver was initiated.



The only known side effect (Argyria) would require a dose of more than 2 ounces a day for a whole year, although we found no cases where colloidal silver caused Argyria, but usually from compounds such as silver nitrate, the most common injectable form used by doctors! The estimated fatal dose for humans from Goodman and Gillman is 10 grams of silver OR 500 gallons of 5 PPM in one dose. You would surely drown before you could get more than a few gallons down! There are cases of accidental ingestion of silver compounds in excess of that amount (10 grams) that have survived.



Topical uses

Pink eye, cold and canker sore, athlete’s foot, acute cuticle infection, eye and ear drops for infection, yeast infections, ringworm, to counter pseudomonas aeruginosa, acne, insect bite, eczema, and other skin irritations including sores cuts and burns, psoriasis, control of itchy red rashes, flaky skin rashes and dandruff

Oral uses

Controls gum infection, general mouth infection, Epstein Barr virus, Diverticulitis, Yeast Infections, gastritis, malaria, parasitic infections, recurrent sinus infections, bowel detoxification and dysbiosis, removal of abnormal intestinal bacteria, chronic fatigue syndrome, candida albicans

Agricultural applications

Spray plants, leaves, seeds and/or wet soil, aids healthy plant development, kill plant and ground fungi, treat seeds to improve germination, accelerate plant growth, retard spoiling or rotting of stored feed stocks, helps cut flowers last longer as slimy stalk rot is prevented.

Commercial and industrial applications

Treatment of water based process and cooling fluids, cutting fluids or emulsions to extend life, large water tanks, cooling ponds and secondary water treatment.

General Disinfectant

Add to cleaning solutions, diaper pail etc., spray on stored foods or leftovers to prevent spoilage, spray in bathroom on sink and shower floor, use to clean counter top in kitchen, refrigerator shelves and door seals, in nursery, on toys, furniture, plastic pads, hands etc.

As an alternative product it has been used as a:

Cure for gangrene, cancer treatment, AIDS treatment, Homeopathic devise, preventive health, burn treatment, flu remedy, common cold, stasis ulcer, skin ulcers

DIRECTIONS Adults take one tablespoon daily as needed. Store in a cool, dry place.

WARNINGS If you are pregnant, nursing or currently taking medication, talk to your doctor before taking colloidal silver. This product should not be taken for prolonged periods of time. Do not give to children under the age of eighteen. If adverse reactions occur, discontinue use and contact your doctor


Weight 150 g

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