
Vitex Agnus Castus


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  • Relieves and decreases the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (breast pain,  water retention etc.) ;
  • Treats irregularities and disorders of the menstrual cycle, absence of menstruation and bleeding  uterine;
  • Treats other forms of mastalgia (breast pain);
  • Promotes female fertility due to low progesterone levels and may even limit  risk of miscarriage; · Treats hyperprolactinmia and increases fertility;
  • Relieves menstrual cramps’

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  • Relieves and decreases the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (breast pain,  water retention etc.) ;
  • Treats irregularities and disorders of the menstrual cycle, absence of menstruation and bleeding  uterine;
  • Treats other forms of mastalgia (breast pain);
  • Promotes female fertility due to low progesterone levels and may even limit  risk of miscarriage; · Treats hyperprolactinmia and increases fertility;
  • Relieves menstrual cramps’
  • Decreases certain types of acne (by androgenic modulation).
  • For breastfeeding women, taking chaste tree may increase lactation.
  • In pre-menopausal women, it decreases hot flashes, irritability,  breast tension and other symptoms of menopause
  • Has anaphrodisiac properties (decreased sexual desire) in men.



The natural solution to cyclic hormonal disorders in women

Female well-being – premenstrual syndrome – Menopause – Infertility –  Cycle disorders – Estrogen dominance

From its botanical name Vitex Agnus Castus, chaste tree is a shrub native to Greece and Italy,  widespread in the Mediterranean regions and Central Asia. It usually prefers banks  rivers and streams and the slopes leading to them. Both by its form and by its aroma,  the berry, which ripens at the end of summer, is reminiscent of peppercorn, hence its common name of tree  with pepper. The medicinal virtues of chaste tree berry have been known for more than 2,000 years. 

Dioscorides, illustrious physician of ancient Greece, mentions that it was done with the seeds present  in the bay, a drink intended to calm the libido. It is said that in the Middle Ages, the monks of the south of  Europe consumed the berries in order to be able to better withstand the pangs of celibacy. Hence its  popular name of “pepper of the monks”.


This property which, by the way, has not been  scientifically demonstrated, seems to have determined the name of the shrub: agnus castus means ”  chaste lamb”. As for the word Vitex, it comes from vitilium which means “braiding”, because we  used the soft and resistant branches of the various shrubs of this botanical genus to  make fences in clayonnage.

In reality, chaste tree has many other virtues  acting mainly on disorders resulting from hormonal dysregulation caused by the cycle  menstrual. Depending on the part of the shrub exploited, the effects will be varied; thus the roots,  the leaves or fruits will each have different virtues. Fruits, for example, have  cephalic and emmenagogue properties while the roots are, for their part, tonic,  expectorants and diuretics.

In 1943, a German firm was developing an extract of  chaste tree standardized to agnuside, one of the characteristic compounds of Vitex. In the 1950s,  this extract was adopted in Europe for the treatment of mastalgia.  Clinical trials have been conducted in recent decades on chaste tree. From 1943 to 1997,  the German firm that produced the first standardized extract of chaste berries (content  standardized in agnuside) had conducted a series of more than 30 studies on the effects of the plant.


The virtues of chaste tree are then more and more recognized, including its ability to relieve  symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome. Chaste tree is used nowadays for its  properties to intervene effectively on the disorders observed during the menstrual cycle,  or on more serious problems such as infertility. Thus, in some infertile women,  the chaste tree will allow, after a time of use of about three to six months, to become fertile.  On the other hand, for chaste tree to be effective, sterility must come from an imbalance between  too high a prolactin level compared to a progesterone level that is too low.

COMPOSITION: Vitex agnus contains several bioactive principles, the most essential of which are  are estrogens, epitestione, androstenedione, glycosides of iridoids (aucubin,  agnoside or agnuside, eurostoside), alkaloids (viticin), flavonoids (casticin, luteolin,  artemetin, isorhamnetin), terpenes (1,8-cineol, alpha-pinenes and beta-pinenes), oils  essential and fatty acids. It also contains specific compounds directly  involved in its endocrine effects: casticin and agnuside.


ACTIONS AND PHARMACOLOGY :The mechanism of action of the chaste tree is not yet fully known. On the other hand, we know that he  inhibits the production of prolactin, the milk-producing hormone, probably by an action  on dopamine receptors in the pituitary gland.

This results in a  stimulation of the corpus luteum, thereby increasing the secretion of progesterone. This has the effect of  normalize the estrogen/progesterone ratio in the 2nd half of the menstrual cycle.

These 2  Combined effects (inhibition of prolactin and increased secretion of progesterone) make  vitex an interesting therapeutic tool to relieve the symptoms of the syndrome. It should be noted, however, that the effect can take up to 3 months to appear.


Serving Size: 1 Dose Per Box: 90




Percentage daily value

Chasteberry (Vitex
agnus castus)

400 mg


* daily values not established
Other ingredients: gelatins, rice flour, silicone dioxide,
magnesium stearate.




Premenstrual syndrome: Do you feel like you’re bloated before menstruation with sometimes  slight weight gain due to water retention? Are your breasts larger, tighter and  / or painful 4-5 days before menstruation? Are you in a sullen mood, the slightest annoyance  makes you cry, or become irritable or depressed? Moreover, is it enough that they arrive so that  did you already feel better? All these signs correspond to a temporary imbalance of  ovarian hormones, linked to partial progesterone deficiency leading to overload in  estrogen and is called premenstrual syndrome (PMS). 

Manifestations related to the female cycle concern a large number of women, and discomfort  Feeling before and during menstruation is a reality. 70% of women experience each  month of troublesome with the approach of menstruation. The most common symptoms are  pain, breast tension, weight gain, mood disorders, “irritability” type or  “depression”, water retention, Chaste tree is not a magic remedy but it contributes to  improve all these passenger inconveniences that have an impact on the comfort of life. 

The chaste tree is useful for pmS.  In the 1990s, placebo-free clinical studies concluded that  chaste tree to relieve the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. Since then, several trials  placebo clinics performed with standardized extracts confirmed that daily intake  Chaste tree for 3 menstrual cycles could reduce symptoms of the syndrome  premenstrual. If the chaste tree does not benefit the male libido, its fruit, on the other hand, acts  favorably on the female cycle.


Indeed, the vitex agnus-castus influences the activity of  the pituitary gland by increasing the secretion of progesterone at the expense of estrogen. This  Property balances a woman’s metabolism, especially during the premenstrual period and  thus avoids recurrent mental and physical disorders. The berries of the chaste tree contain  including casticin and agnuside, the substances probably responsible for these  hormonal regulations.

They mainly influence the production of prolactin, knowing  that this hormone evolves with the corpus luteum which, together, define the ovarian cycle. In  Normal conditions, menstruation occurs if the egg is not fertilized after the fourteenth  day after natural secretion of progesterone. Before these events, most women  of childbearing age develop PMS symptoms.

The main action of substances  contained in the chaste tree helps to significantly attenuate these unpleasant sensations and  prevents any type of complication during the menstrual cycle thanks to a stable production of  progesterone. Given its actions on lactation, the chaste tree can combine its effect with that of the  dopamine and this partly explains its anaphrodisiac character for men.


Estrogen dominance syndrome: It is at the level of the pituitary gland that the chaste tree goes  mainly act, in the same way as dopamine during the secretion of prolactins. In  limiting the production of the latter, the chaste tree makes it possible to maintain the activity of the corpus luteum  in the ovary, which produces progesterone. Thus, the level of progesterone will increase to  new and the progesterone/estrogen balance will be rebalanced. The Chaste tree is very positive  in women with endometriosis, uterine fibroids or breast or ovarian cysts. The progestin effect of Vitex Agnus-castus acts favorably on these problems and the lesions occur  Retract.

Mastalgia. In 3 double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials conducted by laboratories  Different, the same extract of chasteberry berries helped reduce the associated breast pain  premenstrual syndrome.

Menopause. During the twentieth century, the use of chaste tree gradually spread to the  treatment of disorders accompanying menopause.


Menstrual disorders: Commission E and the World Health Organization (WHO)  recognize the use of chaste tree to treat irregularities in the menstrual cycle, to relieve  premenstrual syndrome and mastalgia. In general, the chaste tree will act on the disorders  female hormonal. This is why it is said that it has an anti-androgenic function. These are  the disturbances caused by the onset of the menstrual cycle that benefit most from the effects of  chaste tree. Also, the main disturbances in the pre-monthly period are relieved by the  consumption of chaste tree.

The most common symptoms such as pain, tension  breast or psychic disorders such as mood disorders are therefore  attenuated thanks to chaste tree. The imbalance of ovarian hormones being at the origin of these various  Disorders, chaste tree has a rebalancing effect on the entire female menstrual cycle. It is very useful  for women with irregular cycles or absence of menstruation following prolonged intake of a  contraceptive pill after stopping the latter. These syndromes can impair fertility.  Acting as a hormonal regulator, chaste tree will allow to have regular cycles and will regulate  so also ovulation.

Female infertility. In 1998, German researchers concluded that the chaste tree could help  women with fertility problems due to secondary amenorrhea or  luteal insufficiency (progesterone deficiency). They recommended a treatment of a duration  from 3 to 6 months. Prolactin is a hormone that promotes lactation and also plays a role  important in the mechanism of ovulation. Indeed at high doses, prolactin inhibits  ovulation.

Thanks to its ability to stimulate the production of progesterone, chaste tree blocks by  retro-control the production of prolactin and therefore makes it possible to stem the effects of this hormone on  ovulation.  Chaste tree is to be avoided at the end of pregnancy because it could stimulate the uterus. On the other hand the plug  of Chasteberry in the first trimester of pregnancy in women with a lack of  progesterone will allow reduce the risk of miscarriage, progesterone allowing  the uterus to prepare well to promote the implantation of the embryo and its development.


Helps with weight loss: In the premenstrual period, the woman can gain a few pounds and  keep them if it does not take medium-term measures. Taking the chaste tree, it is possible for him  to prevent this weight gain. However, the process is really effective after consecutive cycles. Thus, during a menstrual cycle, she will have to take 20 to 40 mg of this extract  daily and for the 15 days preceding the end of the cycle.

In this way, it will be able to  be quiet during the coming months without having to suffer his usual disturbances. In a register  Different, chaste tree contains a high level of flavonoid which is a promoting substance  the elimination of fat in favor of energy production. Thus, the chaste tree lends itself as much to the  weight loss only at muscle mass gain if ingested during exercise periods  Intense. In addition, chaste lamb, another charming appellation, contains essential oil.  which helps burn excess fat and prevent its accumulation in the body. Brief  chaste tree can serve as a dietary supplement during a period of bodybuilding.

Anaphrodisiac in humans. The vitex agnus-castus is also called  monks because they used it to help them assume their vow of chastity. Indeed the  Chaste tree helps to reduce sexual desire in men.


Lactation. Today there is no reliable study to say that the Chaste tree has an effect  beneficial on lactation. Animal experiments have shown that it would harm the  rise of milk. But the opinions are controversial.

DIRECTIONS : Chaste tree is advised for women: in cases of breast pain  (mastodynia); amenorrhea, irregular or insufficient menstruation; acne in young women;  menopausal disorders (hot flashes, etc.); infertility (some cases related to  hormonal imbalances); to stimulate lactation and to limit miscarriages.

It is  also indicated for the spremenstrual yndrome, menstrual cramps, associated therapy for  weight loss, water overload, to reduce excess sexual appetite in men, the  estrogen dominance syndrome (has the genese of ovarian and mammary cysts,  endomtriosis and fibroids), infertility associated with hyperprolactinemia. In addition it is useful in case of  cervical dyplasia and prevention of cancers of women, endome

DOSAGE: adult, take 1 capsule twice daily

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