Powerful electro immune modulator. Functions at a molecular level redefining the electrical interactions and communication between cells by focusing on one of the key components of the immune system – the macrophage. Activation and regulation of this cell facilitates the body’s response to the imbalances that have occurred and, in turn, provides optimum health and quality of life.
DESCRIPTION: NG4L Qina Immune Booster is a drug that uses the science of the vibratory physics to stimulate immune system cells called macrophages. It does not contains no nutritional components or antioxidants. Its main function is immune modulation via electrical pathways that stimulate immune function. For known and unknown reasons macrophages can become lazy either due to a pathological invasion or poor lifestyle.
NG4L Qina immune booster has been shown to increase macrophage multiplication and activity within 24 hours of taking it. Using the principles of electro and quantum physics, NG4L Qina immune booster is at the forefront of medical technology. It represents an immune modulating compound, free of toxicity and/or collateral effects. It promotes immune modulation by modifying the biological response of macrophages and the physiological release of cytoplasm. Using the principles of molecular vibratory physics, NG4L Qina immune booster induces the body to use its own resources by mobilizing the natural defenses of the weakened organism.
PRESENTATION: bottle of … ounces or … ml
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