
Hypertension Tea


15 in stock

  • Helps in the treatment of essential hypertension
  • Helps to prevent complications associated with high blood pressure
  • Promotes the elimination of excess cholesterol by the liver
  • Cleanses the liver and improves its function
  • Calms nervous tension and helps to better cope with stressful situations
  • Improves sleep

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15 in stock


Natural herbal tea against high blood pressure


  • Hypertension tea helps in the treatment of essential hypertension
  • Hypertension tea helps to prevent complications associated with high blood pressure
  • Hypertension tea promotes the elimination of excess cholesterol by the liver
  • Hypertension tea cleanses the liver and improves its function
  • Hypertension tea calms nervous tension and helps to better cope with stressful situations
  • Hypertension tea improves sleep
  • Hypertension tea eliminates excess water
  • Hypertension tea prevents the formation of atheromatous plaques in the vascular bed
  • Hypertension tea improves blood circulation and therefore energy level
  • Hypertension tea relieves symptoms that accompany high blood pressure such as headaches, dizziness, ringing in the ears
  • Hypertension tea improves blood circulation
  • Hypertension tea provides antioxidant protection to the entire body


The heart is rightly considered the circulatory center. This essentially muscular organ has the particular function of ensuring adequate blood flow for the body. When the heart contracts, it acts as a pump that propels blood through all the arteries to bring energy and oxygen to the body. The blood, thus put in circulation, exerts a pressure on the walls of the arteries. This pressure or blood pressure can be measured and is expressed in millimeters of mercury (mmHg) or centimeters of mercury (cmHg).

Hypertension is defined as a persistent and significant increase in blood pressure inside the arteries, in a subject at rest. To speak of hypertension, it is necessary that that the blood pressure values are above the normal physiological values. Thus, we speak of hypertension for a systolic blood pressure above 140 (mmHg) or a diastolic blood pressure above 90 mmHg, observed on several occasions in a subject at rest, during three successive consultations over a quarter. Blood pressure is not constant; it varies throughout the day. It is low at night when lying down, it increases when standing, and even more so during physical effort. However, given the prognosis associated with the complications of hypertension, early treatment should be instituted in cases of significant hypertension.

In the vast majority of cases, it is difficult to find a precise cause for high blood pressure. However, certain factors may contribute to its development, including: a diet high in salt and low in fruits and vegetables; excessive alcohol consumption; excessive use of licorice; insufficient physical activity; excess weight; smoking; a stressful life; age; ethnic origin (West Indians and people from South Asia are more likely to develop high blood pressure); family history (your risk is higher if members of your family have had or have high blood pressure).


On the other hand, certain kidney, adrenal or thyroid conditions can cause high blood pressure. In these cases, treatment of the disease can lower the blood pressure numbers. In any case, high blood pressure will have even more harmful effects if it is combined with other risk factors such as smoking, alcohol, excessive intake of stimulants (e.g. coffee), unbalanced diet, constant stress, excess cholesterol, diabetes, etc.

It is always difficult to know when to start a treatment and whether a heavy, lifelong treatment is necessary, with significant side effects on well-being. The hygiene of life as a whole must therefore be taken into account. This is why it is good to try a global natural treatment for a few months before musicalizing if necessary. A good number of natural plants have remarkable hypotensive effects without, however, offering the side effects of a conventional drug treatment in the long term. Their effectiveness is almost certain when there is no important factor associated with lifestyle such as smoking, alcohol in excess, hypercholesterolemia. NG4L Hypertension Tea is an ideal combination of these natural hypotensive plants.


DESCRIPTION: NG4L Hypertension is a therapeutic tea based on the rigorous selection of plants with scientifically proven hypotensive properties. Made entirely from natural herbs, regular intake of NG4L Hypertension can offer many health benefits due to the synergistic effects of its natural herbs. Indeed, the hypotensive effects of this formula also incorporate the control of risk factors and thus also include a better control of blood cholesterol levels, a drainage of the liver and a strengthening of the body’s general resistance capacities in the face of depressive and stressful states. If your blood pressure is slightly elevated and your doctor has recommended that you apply healthy lifestyle measures before considering medication (reduce salt and coffee, stop smoking, lose weight, etc.), you may be able to take a medication.

If your blood pressure is slightly elevated and your doctor has recommended that you apply healthy lifestyle measures before considering medication (reduce salt and coffee, stop smoking, lose weight, exercise and relax), NG4L Hypertension Tea is the ideal natural formula to combine with your approach.

PRESENTATION: box of 20 bags of 5g each containing a mixture of herbs, including:

Brunella: from its Latin name Prunella vulgaris, the brunella is a small plant that is about 20 centimeters in height and is easily found in meadows, hedges and roadsides. It has been used in Eastern and Western herbal traditions for thousands of years. The English call it “self-heal” or “all-heal”, referring to its ability to soothe inflammation in a wound and provide a disinfectant and astringent effect, thus tightening open and injured tissue. This plant is used in various traditions against essential hypertension. It seems to act both indirectly and directly: as a lamiaceae, it is slightly calming for the nerves, stress being an aggravating factor of hypertension, and thanks to its capacity to improve the diuresis, it lowers the blood volume (volume of liquid circulating in the vessels) and thus the blood pressure. The chemical analysis of this plant reveals that it contains tannins (rosmarinic and caffeic acid), triterpenes (arjunolic, ursolic and oleanolic acid), flavonoids (flavonols, anthocyanins) polysaccharides (prunellin), vitamins (B1, C and K). Thanks to its content of rosmarinic acid and flavonoids, brunelle is one of the most powerful antioxidants in the plant world (Mills & Bone 2000).


Gou Teng (Ramulus cum uncis Uncariae): In Chinese energetics, this plant is used to calm headache, dizziness, tinnitus, blurred vision, disturbed sleep, rapid pulse and nervous tension, common symptoms of high blood pressure. Indeed, decoctions of ramulus cum Uncis Uncariae have been shown to reduce blood pressure in anesthetized dogs and rabbits and in rats with artificially induced hypertension. In addition, it was found that atropine did not affect the antihypertensive functions of the herb and did not cause peripheral vasodilatation. Furthermore, in one study, a decoction of gou teng, injected intraperitoneally into mice at a dose of 0.1g/kg, had a significant sedative effect. At doses of 1g/kg, it inhibited conditioned reflexes. The herb had has also been used experimentally for epilepsy in guinea pigs with good success (there were however also signs of sedation at effective doses).

Fructus leonuri: this plant is mainly used for the treatment of primary hypertension. Commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine, fructus leonuri is one of the plants that have been the subject of numerous scientific studies during the last decade; the scientific studies carried out until then were essentially aimed at justifying the traditional use of fructus leonuri in the cardiac and vascular diseases. It has been established that the plant, beyond its regulatory capacity on the vascular function, also regulates the functioning of the heart and seems beneficial in the preventive and curative management of cardiovascular diseases in general.

Oolong Chinese tea: it is a Chinese tea with incomplete fermentation and quite low in caffeine. Already known for its ability to calm low-grade fevers, wulong tea has interesting antioxidant properties that are beneficial for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. In fact, Chinese wulong tea is one of the most effective means against hypercholesterolemia, a major risk factor associated with hypertensive disease.


BENEFITS: NG4L Hypertension Tea is a pleasant tasting beverage with an extraordinary aroma that can be consumed by adults of all ages with a family or personal history of hypertension. This therapeutic tea, made from 100% natural herbs, in addition to helping in the prevention and treatment of hypertension, has been proven effective in maintaining general health.

INDICATIONS: preventive and curative management of high blood pressure, heavy legs, edema, excess blood lipid, liver failure, headaches and tinnitus.

Directions for use: the preparation of NG4L Hypertension Tea is quite easy; you just have to put a therapeutic tea bag in 200 ml of water brought to 90°c; wait 3 to 5 minutes. The tea is then ready for consumption. It is recommended to take three (3) doses per day for optimal results.

For preventive use, it is recommended to make an infusion of one (1) sachet for one (1) liter of water. It is then recommended to make the preparation at bedtime and to let it infuse all night long. The liter of therapeutic tea thus obtained can then be divided into three daily doses.

Hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases: NG4L Natto Heart, NG4L Heart Relief, Ng4L Coenzyme Q10, NG4L Odorless Garlic, NG4L Omega 3, NG4L Flaxseed Oil.

Hyperlipidemia: NG4L Red Yeast Policosanol, NG4L Wellness & Longevity Tea, NG4L Omega 3 / Flaxseed Oil / Evening Prime rose.

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Weight 88 g

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