Goji Juice (Cancer)

Benefits of this product for Cancer

  • Improve the activity of the pituitary gland, making it to produce more human growth hormone  to renew and repair muscle and skin cells
  • Fortify the immune system
  • Prevents cancer by boosting the body’s natural cancer-fighting ability
  • Neutralize the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation

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Goji increases lymphocyte count and activity when the body is under attack, and it enhances the body’s production of cancer-fighting interleukin-2. It increases effectiveness and reduces the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation. Patients receiving a cancer drug together with Goji exhibit longer remission and response rates up to 250 percent better than those obtained by the drug alone.

Goji fights tumor cells by inducing apoptosis (normal cell death). Contains physalin, a natural compound that is active against all major types of leukemia and has been shown to increase splenic killer cell activity.

Contains Cyperone, a sesquiterpene, which has been used in the treatment of cervical cancer. Rich in beta carotene, vitamin C, selenium, and germanium.

Goji and cancer

Goji is one of the only plant species on earth that contains anti-cancer mineral germanium. Its antioxidants and unique polysaccharides halt the genetic mutation that leads to cancer.

Goji polysaccharides have been shown in Chinese studies to enhance the production of IL-2, a crucial cytokine (cell protein) that induces potent anti –tumor responses in a variety of cancers .Goji kills tumor cells by inducing apoptosis, a process in which cancer cells are broken down and recycled .Goji also contains cyperone which is used in treating cervical cancer, and physaline; a natural compound active against all major types of leukemia (blood cancer)


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