Gingko Max


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  • Dilate arteries, veins and capillaries (small blood vessels)
  • Protect against stress and radiation
  • Reduces inflammation, allergies, and asthma attacks.

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Gingko max Benefits

Extensive studies have revealed that Gingko Biloba:

  • Gingko max particularly improves the blood flow to your brain & extremities. It does so by relaxing & therefore dilating the muscle walls of small blood vessels, decreasing inflammation & platelet clumping, & improving the fluidity of blood.
  • Improves symptoms of cerebral vascular insufficiency by relieving dizziness, headaches, weakness, behavioral abnormalities, depression, anxiety, memory problems, lack of concentration & attention span problems.
  • In those with senile & pre-senile dementia of the Alzheimer’s type & multi-infarct dementia, it produces an improvement in attention, memory, daily activities of life & psychopathology.
  • It improves symptoms in those with psychotic organic brain syndrome.
  • Improves cognitive functioning & mood in general.
  • Enhances the metabolism of glucose & the utilization of oxygen in your brain cells & has neuroprotective properties under conditions of decreased blood flow.
  • Improves neurotransmitter binding in your brain, thus enhancing general brain function.
  • Helps with peripheral vascular disease by increasing pain free walking distance & maximum walking distance.
  • Improves circulation in Raynaud’s syndrome.


  • Produces a 50% improvement in impotency caused by poor penile arterial flow.
  • Helps with inner ear dysfunction, tinnitus, vertigo, & certain types of deafness.
  • Inhibits those platelet dysfunctions associated with increased risk of blood clots & therefore may protect against stroke & heart attack.
  • Improves vascular fragility. Gingko contains tebonin, which is particularly helpful in relieving painful varicose veins
  • Improves macular degeneration & diabetic retinopathy.
  • Gingko has stress-protective properties.
  • May protect against long-term damage caused by radiation exposure. Inhibit radiation-induced brain edema
  • Decreases general inflammation, allergy, asthma, & allergic dermatitis.
  • Thins the blood.
  • Alleviates depression.
  • Has cardiovascular benefits
  • Inhibits Monoamine Oxidase.


  • Enhances release of catecholamines and other neurotransmitters.
  • Has anti-ischemic and anti-edemic properties
  • Ginkgo is a supportive herb for treating infertility in males or impotence


Product Overview

Are you having difficulty concentrating? Memory loss? Headache? Are you absentminded? Do you lack energy and get easily tired? Are you anxious or dizzy? Do you have ringing in your ears and are sad or depressed? Has your physical performance reduced? These are sign of cerebral insufficiency. Is there help?

Don’t get too worried because the answer is “YES”. The answer is GINGKO

The first mentioned use of Ginkgo biloba appears in China. Ginkgo leaf is first mentioned in Lan Mao’s Dian Nan Ben Cao, published in 1436 during the Ming dynasty. Lan Mao notes external use to treat skin and head sores as well as freckles. Internal use of the leaves is first noted in Liu Wen-Tai’s Ben Cao Pin Hui Jing Yao, an imperial commissioned work recorded in 1505. Liu Wen Tai notes use of the leaves in the treatment of diarrhea. The leaves of ginkgo are known in Chinese medicine as bai-guo-ye. Recent clinical reports in modern China suggest that the leaves lower serum cholesterol levels and have some clinical value in angina pectoris.In Traditional Chinese pharmacopoeia the seeds (with fleshy rind removed) are considered more important than the leaves. The nut, called Pak Ko, is recommended to expel phlegm, stop wheezing and coughing, urinary incontinence and spermatorrhea. The raw seed is said to help bladder ailments, menorrhea, uterine fluxes, and cardiovascular ailments. The powdered leaf is inhaled for ear, nose, and throat disorders like bronchitis and chronic rhinitis. Locally applied boiled leaves are used for chilblains. The seeds are used as an astringent for the lung, to stop asthma and enuresis.


The tree is considered sacred and has survived in that part of the world for 200 Million years. A single tree can live for more than 1000 years. It seems only natural that anything that’s survived so long holds some secrets of longevity

Ginkgo is a Chinese herb that has been used much more in the West than in its homeland. European researchers have conducted over five hundred scientific studies on the chemistry, pharmacology and clinical effects of gingko leaves over the last 20 to 30 years. The majority of studies on ginkgo leaf extract have involved a product produced by a German/French consortium, referred to in the scientific literature as EGb761.

How Does It Work?
As an oxygen-carrying agent, Gingko Biloba increases the blood flow throughout the circulatory system as well as the brain. Vital nutrients and oxygen are circulated throughout the body’s blood stream network. By improving the circulatory system the body will improve your overall health and help you live longer. Ginkgo Biloba will also keep your vital organs healthier and functioning properly.

Ginkgo Biloba has several active ingredients that provide the powerful healing action. The Ginkgo Biloba extracts contain: Flavonoids, Terpene lactones that also include Ginkgolides A, B, and C, Bilobalide, Quercetin and lastly Kamepferol. The Ginkgolides act as anti-allergen, anti-inflammatory and treat respiratory ailments such as Asthma. The healing power of Ginkgo Biloba also kills free radicals inside of the body. These radicals can cause the body harm by afflicting damaged cells and causing various diseases.


Gingko has been known as a powerful brain stimulant and memory enhancing extract. A Ginkgo Biloba user will benefit from the nutrients ability to enhance the brains functionality including mental alertness and memory enhancement. In some phases of Alzheimer’s, patients who suffer from this disease can gain some benefit from its memory enhancing power. Ginkgo can help treat affected areas of the brain that suffer from a decreased blood flow and poor circulation.


Improves circulation

Ginkgo Biloba is a very powerful herbal product that has been shown to have a number of beneficial attributes. Ginkgo Biloba is manufactured and sold in Europe under pharmaceutical and commission E standards, is best known for its ability to enhance circulation systemically. The extract has been shown in hundreds of studies to increase the oxygen supply to the heart, brain, and all other body parts. Most of the market has been developed around Ginkgo’s ability to improve blood flow to the brain, which increases the oxygen supply and therefore the potential for improved mental function. Ginkgo’s action is directly related to the vaso-relaxing (blood vessel) activity that the herb seems to have, the active ingredient that performs this action has been identified to be the nitric oxide (NO). The NO induces vasodilatation by activating a soluble guanylate cyclase in the vascular smooth muscle, which relaxes the surrounding tissue. Ginkgo Biloba by this action can also lower blood pressure; and in conjunction with this ability it has also been shown to inhibit platelet aggregation (stickiness). Gingko does this by also blocking PAF. Ginkgo contains flavonoids, which force blood vessels to relax allowing them to carry more blood.

The flavonoid rutin in Gingko strengthens tiny blood vessels making then less fragile and avoiding leaks.

Ginkgo keeps LDL Cholesterol from clumping up on blood vessel walls, keeping veins and arteries wide open for maximum blood flow.


Alzheimer’s disease

The studies performed using Gingko Biloba have been especially promising in the area of senility; this is where most of the current market is being perpetuated. The region within this field of study that has shown the most promise is the research on Alzheimer’s disease. If used during the early stages of the disease, it has been shown that the mental deterioration that is associated with the pathology can be decreased. Studies show that taking a standardized Gingko Biloba extract increases the functionality of the acetylcholine (a nerve chemical) receptors that are damaged as the disease progresses. The dose rate to illicit a positive response has been shown to be relatively small, and the product can be taken indefinitely. The user just has to make sure they are taking a quality product that contains the appropriate 24 % flavone glycosides and 6% terpene content. The user can expect results only after taking the product for 3-6 months on a daily basis. Some users report results in shorter periods, it all depends on the severity of the symptoms.

Clinical studies suggest that ginkgo provides the following benefits for people with AD: improvement in thinking, learning, and memory, Improvement in activities of daily living, Improvement in social behavior and fewer feelings of depression.


Boosts brainpower

The brain like any other part of the body needs adequate blood flow to function properly. As you get older your body has a hard time sending the brain all the blood it needs.

Imagine the drainpipe in your kitchen sink. Over time water begins to drain through the pipe a little slower. It happens in everybody’s kitchen. If you pour a little drain opener down the sink the water starts to flow faster. That’s what ginkgo can do for blood to flow to your brain. More blood flow means more brainpower and better short-term memory. Gingko is thus very effective for age-related cognitive decline (ARCD). Ginkgo may also enhance cognitive performance in healthy non-age related cognitive decline.

Intermittent claudication

Constant cramping and leg pain even after short walks are signs inadequate blood supply to legs due to atherosclerosis (blocked and hardened blood vessels. This painful condition is called intermittent claudication.

Because ginkgo is reputed to improve blood flow, this herb has been studied in people with intermittent claudication. People with intermittent claudication have difficulty walking without suffering extreme pain. An analysis of eight published studies revealed that people taking ginkgo tend to walk roughly 34 meters farther than those taking placebo. In fact, ginkgo has been shown to be as effective as a leading medication in improving pain-free walking distance. Gingko relieves these symptoms. Dosage 240-360 mg/day.


Raynaud’s disease

In this case even moderately cold temperatures trigger spasm in blood vessels of the fingers, which prevent blood flow. The fingers turn blue or white and are painful. Gingko dilates blood vessels and helps get blood to the tips of the fingers, thus relieving the pain and restoring the normal color to the skin.


Varicose vein: Gingko contains tebonin, which is particularly helpful in relieving painful varicose veins.

Cholesterol: Studies confirm that Gingko can lower bad cholesterol levels in the blood.

Heart disease: Like other flavonoids gingko can reduce the risk of heart disease.

Dizziness: By increasing blood flow to the brain gingko relieves dizziness and its consequences.

Eye problems

The flavonoids found in ginkgo may help halt or lessen some retinal problems (that is, problems to the back part of the eye). Retinal damage has a number of potential causes, including diabetes and macular degeneration. Macular degeneration (often called age-related macular degeneration or ARMD) is a progressive, degenerative eye disease that tends to affect older adults and is the number one cause of blindness in the United States. Studies suggest that gingko may help preserve vision in those with ARMD.

When less blood reaches the eye the retina can be damaged often robbing people of their sight. By using Gingko you protect your sight. Ginkgo also helps normal tension glaucoma.


Tinnitus and hearing disorder
Given that nerve damage and certain blood vessel disorders can lead to tinnitus (the perception of ringing, hissing, or other sound in the ears or head when no external sound is present), some researchers have investigated whether ginkgo relieves symptoms of this hearing disorder. Although the quality of most studies was poor, the reviewers concluded that ginkgo moderately relieves the loudness of the tinnitus sound.

Free radical scavenger

Ginkgo is one of the herbs with documented antioxidant properties. Studies in France have shown ginkgo to be very effective in protecting the lipid (fat) portion of cellular membranes from free radical damage. If one considers that the brain cells contain the highest content of unsaturated fats (lipids) of any cells in the body, this protective action further supports ginkgo’s benefits for the central nervous system. Free radical damage in the rain and nervous system is widely postulated to be a major cause of accelerated aging.

Ginkgo can play a triple role in the protection of the cells of the body and particularly those of the brain. First, it increases circulation and the subsequent delivery of glucose and oxygen to cells. Second, in the presence of free radicals threatening cellular damage, ginkgo can protect cells from damage and scavenge free radicals from the system.


Ginkgolides and Platelets

Over the last five years, research on the ginkgolides has led to a medical breakthrough. Three ginkgolides (A, B, and C) have demonstrated the ability to inhibit a mediator in the body known as platelet-activating factor (PAF). PAF contributes to inflammatory conditions, shock, bronchial constriction, and gastrointestinal ulceration. PAF has also been implicated in organ transplant rejection, heart arrhythmias secondary to myocardial infraction, and vasculitis (inflammation of blood vessels).

The modern Chinese pharmacology notes qualities of gingko in the treatment bronchial Asthma and Chronic bronchitis. PAF can trigger asthma. PAF causes spasms in the sacs that make up the lungs. By blocking PAF gingko can prevent these spasms and make it easier to breath.

Headaches: Reduced blood flow also results in headache. Gingko helps alleviate this type of headache.


With aging there is decrease blood flow to the penis, which results in impotence. Gingko might be a solution when conventional drugs have failed.


Gingko is useful for treating diabetic angiopathy (a heart problem associated with diabetes) and retinopathy. It can help prevent poor circulation.


Ginkgo may improve sleep and cognition in depressed patients. According to a small Swiss pilot study of 14 depressed patients, ginkgo boosts cognitive-psychomotor performance, reduces the number of nighttime awakenings, and increases both short wave and slow wave sleep. Over a six-week period, half of the subjects took a prescription antidepressant, and the others took ginkgo (source does not specify dosage). Although researchers do not understand the precise mechanism of action, laboratory studies indicate that ginkgo causes a downswing in stress hormone activity. Researchers at Switzerland’s Basel Psychiatric University plan to confirm the results in a larger randomized, double blind trial.

Gingko also helps altitude sickness.


NG4L Advantage: NG4L’s Gingko Biloba meets the high standards recommended by the European commission E standards (less than 5 ppm of Ginkgolic acids).

Warning: This product is not to be used during pregnancy or lactation without professional supervision. Do not use before surgery. In case of adverse reaction, discontinue use immediately. Keep out of reach of children. Ginkgo Biloba is considered safe and side effects are rare. However, some people may experience headaches and insomnia as a result of increased cerebral blood flow. Do not use if you take blood thinning medications such as heparin, warfarin or coumarin derivative, or have hemophilia or have any other clotting disorder without approval and monitoring by a physician, as Ginkgo Biloba has been reported as having anticoagulant activity.


If you are currently being treated with any of the following medications, you should not use ginkgo without first talking to your healthcare provider:

Anticonvulsant medications: High doses of Ginkgo biloba could decrease the effectiveness of anticonvulsant therapy in patients taking carbamazepine or valproic acid to control seizures.

Blood-thinning medications: Ginkgo has blood-thinning properties and therefore should not be used if you are taking anticoagulant (blood-thinning) medications, such as aspirin, clopidogrel, dipyridamole, heparin, ticlopidine, or warfarin.

Cylosporine: Ginkgo biloba may be beneficial during treatment with cyclosporine because of its ability to protect cell membranes from damage.

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs): Ginkgo may enhance the effects (both good and bad) of antidepressant medications known as MAOIs, such as phenelzine and tranylcypromine.

Papaverine: The combination of papaverine and ginkgo may be effective for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in patients who do not respond to papaverine alone.

Thiazide diuretics: Although there has been one literature report of increased blood pressure associated with the use of ginkgo during treatment with thiazide diuretics, this interaction has not been verified by clinical trials. Nevertheless, you should consult with your healthcare provider before using ginkgo if you are taking thiazide diuretics.

Trazodone: Additionally, there has been a report of an adverse interaction between ginkgo and trazodone, an antidepressant medication, which resulted in an elderly patient going into a coma.

DIRECTIONS: Total of 180 – 240 mg daily in 3 divided doses. Adults take one capsule three times a day, as dietary supplement.


Supplement Facts

Serving Size: One (1) tablet

Amouont per serving

%Daily Value

Ginkgo Bioloba Extract (leaf)

60 mg


Dialy Value not established


Other ingredients: Whey microcrystalline cellu-lose, stearic, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide

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