Contains Vitamin C, Chitosan Powder, Gymnema sylvestra Extract 25% and Garcinea cambogia Powder 50%HCA
- Absorbs and Binds Fat
- Reduces LDL Cholesterol and boosts HDL Cholesterol
- Promotes Wound Healing
- Helps Control Blood Pressure
- Helps to Speed up Bone Repair by increasing calcium absorption
- Reduces Levels of Uric Acid
- Promotes Healthy Weight-Loss
- Antibacterial
- Anti-fungi
- Antiviral
- Improves Calcium Absorption
- Appetite-suppressant
- Increases endurance and energy
- Lowers blood sugar
Garcinia (Garcinia Cambogia, or HCA)
Overview: Indigenous to India and Thailand, garcinia has been primarily used for appetite control. It is thought to inhibit the conversion of carbohydrates into fat and to enhance thermogenesis (the conversion of calories to heat). The high hydroxycitric acid content of garcinia is believed to alter the accumulation of fatty tissue. It is thought to be one of the most effective herbal agents for the control of fat storage.
Applications: Appetite suppressant, to lower cholesterol levels, to increase endurance and energy, and for weight control.
Scientific Updates: Recent studies suggest that garcinia can initiate fatty acid oxidation in the liver, which could prevent excess carbohydrates from turning into fat. This herb has also demonstrated the ability to inhibit adipose (fat) storage and suppress the appetite. Garcinia also encourages the build-up of glycogen stores for more available energy. Laboratory studies suggest that HCA also suppresses appetite and induces weight loss. One study found that consuming one gram of the fruit containing HCA prior to each meal resulted in a significant loss of weight.
Gymnema (Gymnema sylvestre)
Other Common Names: Gurmarbooti, gurmar.
Range: Deccan peninsula, Assam, and some parts of Africa.
Gymnema sylvestre (GS) is a woody climbing plant that grows in the tropical forests of central and southern India. The leaves are used in herbal medicine preparations. G. Sylvestre is known as “periploca of the woods” in English and mesbasringi (meaning “ram’s horn”) in Sanskrit. The leaves, when chewed, interfere with the ability to taste sweetness, which explains the Hindi name gurmar – “destroyer of sugar.”
Plant constituents include two resins (one soluble in alcohol), gymnemic acids, saponins, stigmasterol, quercitol, and the amino acid derivatives betaine, choline and trimethylamine.
Gymnema sylvestre is a stomachic, diuretic, refrigerant, astringent, and tonic. It has been found to increase urine output and reduce hyperglycemia in both animal and human studies.
Gymnema has been used in India for the treatment of diabetes for over 2,000 years. The primary application was for adult-onset diabetes, a condition for which it continues to be recommended today in India. The leaves were also used for stomach ailments, constipation, water retention, and liver disease.
Extracts of G. sylvestre given to patients with type I diabetes on insulin therapy reduces insulin requirements and fasting blood sugar levels, and improves blood sugar control. In a study of type II diabetics, gyrmnema extract given along with oral hypoglycemic drugs was shown to improve blood sugar control and to either lead to discontinuation of the medicine or a significantly reduced dosage. It is interesting to note that gymnema extract given to healthy volunteers does not produce any blood sugar lowering, or hypoglycemic, effects.
Gymnema sylvestre is one of the Asclepiad strains that grow in South-East Asia. Their therapeutic effects for treating diabetes mellitus, rheumatic arthritis and gout have been well known for a long time. However, the problem is that GS suppresses sweetness and tastes bitter.
Therapeutic Applications: diabetes, fatigue, hypoglycaemia, insulin resistance obesity, sugar cravings, high cholesterol.
Scientific Updates: Modern research has found that gymnemic acid, the active ingredient of the herb; blocks sugar absorption in the body. A clinical study published in 1986 suggests that extract of gymnema can significantly enhance liver and pancreatic function. Both human and animal studies confirm that gymnema affects blood sugar levels especially in diabetics. It has been suggested that it might be of value even as a treatment for Type I diabetes. It not only lowers blood glucose levels, but cholesterol and blood fat levels as well. An extract from the leaves of Gymnema sylvestre was investigated in 22 Type 2 diabetic patients on conventional oral anti-hyperglycemic agents. 400 mg/day was administered for 18-20 months as a supplement to the conventional oral drugs. During GS4 supplementation, the patients showed a significant reduction in blood glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin and glycosylated plasma proteins, and conventional drug dosage could be decreased. Five of the 22 diabetic patients were able to discontinue their conventional drug and maintain their blood glucose homeostasis with GS4 alone. These data suggest that the beta cells may be regenerated / repaired in Type 2 diabetic patients on GS4 supplementation. This is supported by the appearance of raised insulin levels in the serum of patients after Gymnema sylvestre supplementation.
Safety: Diabetics should check with their physician before using this herb and never discontinue insulin or other treatments in exchange for an herbal therapy without the consent and supervision of their doctor. If you take gymnema, you may have to lower the dosage of your other antidiabetic drugs. It is also thought that fenfluramine and possibly other antidepressant drugs that raise serotonin levels and salicylates (including aspirin) and Tetracycline may potentate the action of gymnema. On the contrary, its therapeutic properties may be decreased by thyroid medications, oral contraceptives, phenothiazines and epinephrine.
Chitosan Fiber for the Future!
They have found a number of possible health and nutritional benefits of Chitosan intake:
- Lowering the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood
- Raising the levels of good cholesterol (HDL) in the blood
- Helps Speed up bone repair by increasing the absorption of Calcium by the body
- Absorbs and binds fat, promoting weight loss
- Antibacterial/ anticandida/ antiviral
- Helps dental restoration/ recovery
- Effective and safe antacid
- Raising the ph level of the mouth to inhibit tooth decay
- Lowering blood pressure
- Anti-parasitic effects
- Slowing the growth of bacteria associated with Acne
- Increases the absorption of Calcium by the body
- Lowers Uric Acid in the blood
- Increases bowel function
Absorbs heavy metals such as Cadmium, Mercury, Lead, Arsenic
Fibre is the rough material found in vegetables, fruits and grains that cannot be digested by the body. As fibre passes through the stomach and intestines it absorbs water, organic wastes and toxins, and carries them through the intestinal tract and out of the body. Fibre has often been described as nature’s way of taking out the garbage. There are two types of fibre, soluble and insoluble. Soluble fibre can be dissolved in water and can be broken down by bacterial enzymes in the intestinal tract; insoluble fibre cannot be broken down and passes through the digestive tract largely intact.
Soluble fibre is believed to decrease the absorption of bile, a cholesterol containing fluid needed to properly digest fat. Bile is released into the intestine when food is eaten, and after digestion has finished, is almost entirely reabsorbed by the body. When soluble fibre mixes with bile, some of the fat and cholesterol is instead absorbed by fibre and subsequently passed out of the body.
Fiber is considered by the WHO as the seventh most essential element in our diets after protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamins, trace elements and water. It is recommended that people eat about 20-35 grams of fiber each day, including both soluble and insoluble fiber.
Chitosan is a soluble fiber derived from chitin, a complex nitrogenous polysaccharide that comes from the hard shells of crustaceans like crab and lobster. Professor C. Rouget discovered Chitosan in 1859. Chitosan is made by cooking Chitin in alkali, much like the process for making natural soaps. After it is cooked, the links of the Chitosan chain are made up of glucosamine units. Each glucosamine unit contains a free amino group. These groups take on a positive charge, which gives the Chitosan it amazing properties.
Fat Magnet
Weight loss seems to be in the minds of everyone these days. It is a well-known statistic that 60% of the population is approaching the obese state. Gastrointestinal problems, pancreatic problems, cancer, joint and cardiovascular diseases are just a few of the medical problems facing the world if this problem is not brought back into perspective.
NG4L Chitosan Plus Complex now offers a product that may help with some of the problems that are related to weight gain. One of the biggest problems has to do with a dysfunctional hormonal system. You see, certain chemical functions in the body are dependent on a physical actions occurring, for example when your stomach expands it releases hormonal chemicals that effect digestion and the nervous system. Once food is taken into the stomach and the stomach expands, these hormones are released systemically to begin the digestive process and in the end let you know when you have had enough to eat.
Since its introduction to the market in the 1990s, chitosan has been the subject of much research and discussion regarding its potential as a nutritional adjunct for weight management. In acid media, Chitosan becomes positively charged and absorbs up to 400 percent of its weight in water to form a gel. Once gelled, Chitosan can encapsulate over four times its own weight of negatively charged fatty acids, including cholesterol. A non-digestible mass of fiber and fat that cannot be absorbed by the body is formed which is simply passed out of your system as waste. Chitosan captures up to 10-12 times its weight in unwanted fat. This makes it 12 times stronger than any natural fiber in its effect on lipid excretion. Consequently Chitosan is an effective slimming aid. So overall, NG4L Chitosan Plus Complex is a product that covers a lot of territory in the area of weight loss, and building a healthy attitude about food. Most people eat because they don’t feel full, and their blood sugar levels are low. Taking a product like Fat Trap may help address these issues and allows you to enjoy long-term weight loss, and a longer healthier life!
Cholesterol, Heart Disease & Strokes
“Chitosan has the very unique medicinal ability to lower LDL cholesterol (the bad kind) and triglycerides while boosting HDL cholesterol (the good kind).”Japanese researchers have concluded that Chitosan ‘appears to be an effective hypo-cholesterolemic [cholesterol lowering] agent.’ In other words, it can effectively lower blood serum cholesterol levels with no apparent side effects. A study reported in the “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition” found that Chitosan is as effective in mammals as cholestryramine (a cholesterol lowering drug) in controlling blood serum cholesterol without the deleterious side effects typical of cholestryramine.” (Hennen W. Chitosan. Woodland Publishing. 1996. 15.) “The most recent clinical tests on human subjects confirmed animal studies that have shown for years a reduction in intestinal fat in laboratory animals.” (Nauss J.L., Thompson J.L. The Binding of Micellar Lipids to Chitosan Lipids 18 (10). 1983. 714-719.)
Researchers in one clinical study found that total cholesterol was reduced by a whopping 32% when using Chitosan over a 5-week period. The study also noted that levels of beneficial HDL cholesterol (which keeps the arteries free of atherosclerotic plaque) increased by 7.5% while triglyceride levels reduced by 18% during the same period. Additional studies found that concentrations of liver cholesterol were also significantly decreased. One Japanese study showed that rats fed Chitosan had decreased liver cholesterol levels 60% lower than the control group after 4 weeks. Chitosan effectively lowered cholesterol absorption more than guar gum or cellulose. Laboratory test results indicated that a 7.5% Chitosan formula maintained adequate cholesterol levels in rats, despite a dramatic increase in the intake of cholesterols.
Chitosan decreased blood cholesterol levels by up to 66.2 percent. Pharmaceutical grade Chitosan has been shown to be as effective as the best prescription drugs available for lowering cholesterol. Best of all there are no side effects using chitosan as there is with the drug and it’s a fraction of the cost of the high priced drug.
Virtually all-medical professionals agree that lowering LDL cholesterol, boosting HDL cholesterol, and lowering blood serum cholesterol levels can greatly reduce the risk of becoming a victim of a stroke or heart disease.
Effective and safe antacid
A patent has been issued to a Japanese company for using chitosan as safe and highly effective antacid
Studies using Chitosan in chewing gum show that because of its antacid action, Chitosan raises the pH in the mouth and binds to the bacteria that causes plaque and tooth decay.
Healing of wounds, burns and ulcers
A solution of Chitosan was applied directly to wounds and test results showed an inhibition of fibroblasts (scar forming substance), which allowed for normal tissue regeneration. Chitosan also helps blood to coagulate. Surgical arterial grafts connecting major blood vessels showed more effective connection with less leakage than traditional grafting. Tests using topical applications of Chitosan found that it promoted the faster healing of wounds or abscesses that had become infected with staph infection. Topical applications of Chitosan decreased coagulation time, which is vital to the healing of wounds like bleeding ulcers.
Anti-fungal effects/ Anti-parasitic effects/Trauma
Candida is yeast that lives in the colon and is normally harmless. However, it can over grow and get out of control causing serious health problems. Candida overgrowth affects millions of people. Clinical tests involving mice established that Chitosan exhibited the ability to kill candida.
Chitosan also demonstrated that it has the ability to kill certain viruses.
When used as a food preservative, Chitosan exhibited stronger bactericidal activity than lactic acid. In some tests, Chitosan even demonstrated a dramatic anti-parasitic action. It reduces the amount of bacterial translocation, which can occur after a burn injury. It is believed that by reducing the bacterial population of the colon, the potential for a life threatening infection to set in after a trauma is decreased.
Acne: Due to Chitosan’s ability to inhibit certain bacteria, which cause the inflammation associated with acne. Chitosan has been used to effectively treat acne.
Calcium enhancer
Calcium is important for the prevention of osteoporosis. Clinical tests show that Chitosan has been found to increase the bioavailability of calcium, which means that it is more readily absorbed.
Uric acid
High protein diets that come from animal sources can cause uric acid levels to rise and for some people that means a bout with gout. Chitosan has the ability to lower uric acid levels.
Bowel function
A poorly functioning and toxic colon can be related to many degenerative diseases including cancer and obesity. Colon/rectal cancer is the number one cancer for men and women in the U.S. More Americans are hospitalized due to diseases of the digestive system and colon than for any other disorder. In fact, we spend over 50 billion dollars a year in hospitals for surgical procedures and other treatments. Reducing dietary fat and including an adequate intake of dietary fiber could have easily prevented most of these problems.
The Merck Manual, which is the medical industry’s standard text for the diagnosis and treatment of disease, reveals that Diverticulosis of the colon has increased dramatically over the last 50 years. In fact, it states that in 1950 only 1O% of the population had this disorder, in 1987 it had risen to 50% and the 1994 edition stated that by old age every person would have many diverticula. Diverticula are herniated pouch like sacs that form at weak points in the walls of the colon and are caused by sluggish or constipated bowels. There are no symptoms.
However, these pockets can fill up with many pounds of old fecal matter, which is very toxic. (10 to 20 pounds is not at all unusual.) Poisons from his toxic waste can be reabsorbed into the blood stream, and is thought by many to be the underlying cause of sickness and disease. By the way, consuming an adequate intake of dietary fiber can prevent diverticula.
Liver: Chitosan polysaccharides stabilize the blood cholesterol level by inhibiting the absorption of Cholesterol in the small intestine. This prevents the formation of fatty liver.
Chitosan polysaccharides create an alkaline and stable milieu, which is necessary for optimal utilization of insulin. Chitosan also slows down the rise of the blood sugar level by binding itself on the wall of the small intestine and reducing the absorption rate of glucose.
Recent studies show that Chitosan has an Immune-potentiating action. Mice that were given Chitosan showed reduction in blood born microphages and tumor growth was impaired. Clinical tests conducted with in vitro tumor cells found that Chitosan showed a strong inhibitory activity on each of the tumor cells while chitin did not.
- Chitosan inhibits metastasis of cancer cells
- Chitosan inhibits toxins produced by cancer cells
- Chitosan vitalizes the activities of lymphocytes that can kill cancer cells
The chitosan polysaccharide increases cell immunity. Chitosan activates lymph cells the production of T-lymphocytes in the pancreas.
The chitosan polysaccharides also have the ability to increase the killer effect of the lymphocytes on the cancer cells, inhibit cancer growth, and increase immunity.
Some clinical studies have found that Chitosan worked as an antihypertensive agent and lowered blood pressure in male subjects, which were fed a high salt diet. «Chitosan has the ability to decrease blood levels of chloride which influences the activity of an angiotensin converting enzyme. Angiotensin is vital to the maintenance of normal blood pressure.
Chitosan can be used in cases of cancer, Insulin dependent and NID Diabetes, intoxication, liver diseases including liver cirrhoses, Cardiovascular diseases: Arteriosclerosis/after heart attack or stroke/hypertension, obesity and hypercholesterinaemia, gastrointestinal diseases like dysbacteriosis and chronic constipation.
Safety and Directions for Usage
NG4L Chitosan has Vitamin C, which increase Chitosan’s effectiveness.
When taking any fibre supplement it is recommended you drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day. Adults take 2 capsules 1/2 hour before each meal. For optimal benefit drink 8 to 10oz glasses of water throughout the day. You should not take chitosan if you have any kind of shellfish allergy, or if you are pregnant or breast-feeding!
Check with your physician before taking chitosan if you are taking medication of any kind. Chitosan should be taken separately from vitamins, minerals and any medications. The bioavailability of fat based vitamins or medications can be inhibited if taken with chitosan. It is best to take your other supplements in the morning or mid-day when chitosan is not normally used. Chitosan works best when taken just prior to eating a high calorie/high fat meal.
Supplement FactsServing Size: Two (2) capsules Servings Per Container: 30 | ||
Amount per Serving | % Daily value | |
Vitamin C | 45mg | * |
Chitosan Powder | 1000mg | * |
Gymnema sylvestra Extract 25% | 200mg | * |
Garcinea cambogia Powder 50%HCA | 50mg | * |
* Daily value not established | ||
Other ingredients: Gelatine, magnesium stearate |
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