‘Aloe Vera Juice First Aid Supplement’, the ‘Burn Supplement’, the ‘Miracle Juice’ and the ‘Medicine Juice’.
Internal use
-Helps treat irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
-Helps treat ulcer diseases
-Forms a lining throughout the colon to keep toxic waste from re- entering the body.
-Provides a life-saving barrier against microbial invasion for each cell (especially viruses)
-Provides the raw material that is critical for lubrication of the joints.
-Allows for the transfer of gases in the lungs
-Helps to facilitate absorption of water, electrolytes and nutrition in the GI tract.
External use:
-Wound healing (including burns).
-Anti-inflammatory aging of skin.
-Acts as a moisturizer
The healing properties of the succulent plant Aloe Vera have been known for thousands of years. Evidence supporting the early use of aloe was discovered on a Mesopotamian clay tablet dating from 2100 BC. In Cairo in 1862, George Ebers, a German Egyptologist, bought a papyrus, which, had been found in a sarcophagus excavated near Thebes a few years earlier. Aloe Vera as a herbal preparation was mentioned in the papyrus no fewer than 12 times. The use of Aloe Vera can be traced all the way back to the ancient Egyptians. The glamorous Egyptian queens, Nefertiti and Cleopatra regarded Aloe Vera as her beauty secret. Aloe was held in such reverence in Egypt that it was considered to be the “Plant of Immortality“. Drawings of the aloe plant have even been found inscribed in the tombs of pharaohs.
Aloe Vera with its curative properties is mentioned in the Bible and in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, carried by Alexander the Great as the only palliative for bruises and injuries. Legend has it that, in 333 BC, Alexander the Great was persuaded by his mentor Aristotle to capture the island of Socotra in the Indian Ocean, famed for its supply of aloe, which, he needed to heal his wounded soldiers.
Aloe Vera was well known not only to the Egyptians, but also the Roman, Greek, Arab and Indian cultures. In fact, many famous physicians of those times, including Dioscorides, Pliny the EIder and Galen – considered to be the father of modem medicine – included Aloe Vera in their therapeutic armories
There are over 240 different species of Aloe found around the world today that are cultivated and harvested throughout places like Mexico, Africa, Asia, Europe and America. Aloe is a cactus-like plant that is very therapeutic, and has a long history of safe use. The research on Aloe has provided a wealth of information, especially over the past ten years, and even still the mystery of Aloe is still unfolding. Of the 240+ species of Aloe, four are recognized as having the most nutritional value. Aloe barbadensis is the one with the greatest therapeutic and nutritional value.
The physical and chemical properties of Aloe Vera
The succulent Aloe Vera gel is obtained from within the leaves, from which it necessary to remove the skin is leaving a sticky, slimy, gelatinous substance has tremendous medicinal properties.
The aloe plant, being a cactus plant, is between 99 and 99.5 per cent water, with an average pH of 4.5. The remaining solid material contains over 75 different ingredients and 200 active compounds including vitamins, minerals, enzymes, sugars, anthraquinones or phenolic compounds, lignin, saponins, sterols, amino acids and salicylic acid.
Vitamins: The plant contains many vitamins, excluding vitamin D but including the important antioxidant vitamins A, C and F. Vitamins B (thiamine), niacin, vitamin B2 (riboflavin), choline and folic acid are also present. Some authorities suggest that there is also a trace of vitamin B12 (Coats1979).
Enzymes: When taken orally, several of these biochemical catalysts, such as amylase and lipase, can aid digestion by breaking down fats and sugars. One important enzyme, a carboxy-peptidase, inactivates bradykinins and produces an anti-inflammatory effect. During the inflammatory process, bradykinin produces pain associated with vasodilatation and, therefore, its hydrolysis reduces these two components and produces an analgesic effect (Obata et al 1993, Shelton 1991).
Minerals: Sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, chromium and iron are all found in the aloe plant. Magnesium lactate inhibits histidine decarboxylase and prevents the formation of histamine from the amino acid, histadine (Shelton 1991). Histamine is released in many allergic reactions and causes intense itching and pain. The prevention of its formation may explain the antipuritic effect of Aloe Vera.
Sugars: Sugars are derived from the mucilage layer of the plant under the rind, surrounding the inner parenchyma or gel. They form 25 per cent of the solid fraction and comprise both mono- and polysaccharides. By far the most important are the long chain polysaccharides, comprising glucose and mannose, known as the gluco-mannans (Beta – (1, 4) – linked acetylated mannan). When taken orally, some of these bind to receptor sites that line the gut and form a barrier, possibly helping to prevent ‘leaky gut syndrome’.
Others are ingested whole by a method of cellular absorption known as pinocytosis. Unlike other sugars, which, are broken down prior to absorption, the polysaccharides are absorbed complete and appear in the blood stream unchanged. Here, they act as immuno-modulators — capable of enhancing and retarding the immune response (Green 1996, Kahlon etal 1991, Sheets etall9gi).
Anthraquinones: These phenolic compounds are found in the sap. The bitter aloes consist of free anthraquinones and their derivatives: Barbaloin-lO- (1151 — anhydroglucosyl) — aloe-emodin-9-anthrone), lsobarbaloin and Anthrone-C-glycosides and chromones.
In large amounts these compounds exert a powerful purgative effect, but when smaller they appear to aid absorption from the gut, are potent antimicrobial agents (Lorenzetti et all 964, Sims eta/i 971 a), and possess powerful analgesic effects. Topically, they can absorb ultra violet light, inhibit tyronase activity and reduce the formation of melanin and any tendency to hyper-pigmentation (McKeown 1987, Strickland eta/i 993).
Lignin This woody substance, inert in itself, endows topical aloe preparations with their singular penetrative ability to carry other active ingredients deep into the skin to nourish the dermis (Coats 1979).
Saponins: These soapy substances form 3 per cent of the gel and are general cleansers, having antiseptic properties (Hirat and Suga 1983).
Plant Sterols: These include Campesterol, f3 Sitosterol and Lupeol (Coats 1979).
Salicylic acid: This is an aspirin-like compound possessing anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Topically, it has a kerolytic effect which helps to debride a wound of necrotic tissue.
Amino acids: These are the building blocks of proteins. Aloe Vera gel provides 20 of the 22 necessary amino acids required by the human body and seven of the eight essential amino acids, which the body cannot synthesize. These must be ingested in food
Immune System
Aloe Vera exerts an effect on the cytokine system, resulting in immunomodulation (Green 1996, Marshall et al 1993, Winters 1993). In the US, the polymannose sugar has been extracted by Carrington Laboratories and its product, Carrisyn, has been licensed to treat the onchogenic retroviral infection, which causes Leukemia in cats. It is currently being tried in human retroviral infection (AIDS) where it has been found to be synergistic with Zidovudine. Aloe is showing real promise in the fight against AIDS, and the virus has become undetectable in some patients who used it on a regular basis, due to its immune system stimulant properties. It also seems to help prevent opportunistic infections in cases of HIV and AIDS.
The story of Aloe’s effect on immune function has much to do with the digestive system. If the digestive system isn’t working properly, then eventually the body’s immune function becomes overwhelmed due to waste build up that it sees as an invasion, as it backs up into your system. One thing leads to another, and then bacteria and viruses become more prevalent, inflammation sets in, the joints may be affected, and the circulatory system gets involved, and so on. Taking Natures Gift for Life’s Aloe Vera may help to prevent some of the problems associated with these kinds of issues, by helping the body to deal with the pathological issues before they become problematic. It is a well-known fact that preventative medicine is the best way to deal with any medical problem. Taking Aloe year round may help the body maintain a stable internal environment. It may therefore treat the root of the health problem before it is a problem, so you are not just always treating the symptoms! Nature has provided mankind with a very powerful tool, now it is up to us to use it.
Natural antibiotic, antiviral
Aloe Vera combats germs like salmonella, staphylococcus, E. Coli and streptococcus faecalis. It kills viruses when applied in a large concentration to affected area and is also very effective against vaginal trichomoniasis. Aloe Vera contains Acetyl-manosa, which is very effective in combating many viruses. It is presently being injected to combat a certain type of Leukemia and fibro sarcomas in animals and is being studied as an aid to AZT in fighting AIDS (HIV).
Aloe Vera has a fungicide effect when applied directly on the fungus. It is also very effective against Candida Albicans.
Burns and Leg ulcers
Aloe speeds the healing of first-degree burns, including sunburns. The gel is excellent for easing first-degree burns (including sunburns) and certain minor second-degree burns. If applied after the burn has cooled, it will relieve pain and inflammation and accelerate healing. Aloe Vera appears to speed up the healing of damaged epithelial tissue in bums and leg ulcers by providing essential micronutrients, exerting an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect and by stimulating skin fibroblasts.
In one study of 27 people with moderately severe burns, those who used Aloe Vera healed in about 12 days on average, whereas the control group, who covered the affected areas with regular gauze dressing, took 18 days to heal. It is very useful for bites rashes and other skin conditions because it alleviates burning and itching.
Aloe Vera soothes and hastens healing of cuts, scrapes, and other minor wounds and skin irritations. The gel contains a number of active ingredients, including substances known to help relieve pain, reduce swelling, quell itching, and increase blood flow to an injured area. Aloe Vera is rich in calcium; zinc, potassium, Vitamin C and E. These components promote fiber formation, which trap red blood cells, thus speeding the healing process. Calcium and potassium too speed up healing. Some research even indicates that the gel has antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties.
Conversely, Aloe Vera gel may not help treat deeper, infected wounds, or those incurred during surgery.
Psoriasis: Aloe Vera reduces symptoms of psoriasis. The ability of Aloe Vera gel to promote healing and quell itching and pain may offer some relief to those who suffer from this troubling condition. In a recent study of 60 people with chronic psoriasis, 83% of those who applied aloe to lesions three times a day for eight months experienced substantial improvement. Only 6% of those using a placebo benefited from its effects.
Digestive tract
Hundreds of thousands of people in the U.S. have become statistics because they are part of a group that has dumb founded doctors for years. They are a group that has developed a number of sub clinical symptoms for digestive disorders. Where do these symptoms come from? And how do we correct them? There is also another group of people that again fall into the same size group that is also six figures strong, that has contracted topical and immunological disorders many of which are chronic and seem to be incurable! Some of these symptoms are of digestive disorders like swollen abdomen, irrespective of time of day, stomach pains (usually low down), constipation accompanied invariably with griping pains in the lower abdomen, diarrhea (which can also be accompanied by pains, and alternating constipation, flatulence and belching often associated with a disturbed, rumbling gut, passing mucus and hard pellet-like stools, diminished appetite, particularly when experiencing a distended abdomen, general depressed feeling and continual lethargy and heartburn.
Other symptoms are of immune and skin disorders are like chronic colds and flu symptoms, rashes that never clear up, allergies, scaly skin, cracked and bleeding sores, wounds that do not heal, chronic mucus build up, tearing eyes, skin cancer, circulatory problems, and arthritis joint pain.
Many doctors will tell you that there isn’t anything that they can do for you. They will place you on any number of medications that may or may not work. But they aren’t treating the problem; they are just treating the symptoms. You have to ask yourself though, where did all this get started, and why? Much of what occurs today with regards to the symptoms that people deal with on a daily basis, are caused by some kind of nutrient deficit. It is just as simple as that. The body isn’t getting what it needs to stay healthy. We obviously also have to take into account nothing is that simple, there is also always the ‘emotion’ component in health, if you do not have this part under control then no matter how healthy you were to begin with, the stress will catch up with you sooner or later. But that is another subject entirely.
Aloe Vera has natural healing and detoxifying powers and works gently within the intestinal tract to help break down impacted food residues and thoroughly cleanse the bowel. It can help ease constipation and prevent continuing diarrhea, setting regularity to the bowel. All this helps to reduce discomfort and bloating. Naturally, as these symptoms are eased, so the stress associated with the discomfort is also reduced. Aloe Vera eases heartburn, ulcers, diverticular disorders, and other types of digestive upset. Aloe is rich in different digestive enzymes. Some of these enzymes are those that are not produced by the body (pancreas), making Aloe a good natural source for digestive enzymes. Aloe contains aloin, which is a good laxative.
Aloe is known to help regulate the digestive tract and stabilize the immune system in an indirect way, by making sure that the body doesn’t have to deal with pathologies like leaky gut syndrome and other inflammatory bowel diseases that lead to the symptoms that doctors think are incurable. It is well known that the inflammation in the intestines causes systemic damage by perpetuating reactions that produce oxidative free radicals as waste by-products. This results in further damage to the intestinal walls and ever increasing permeability. The “leaky gut syndrome” increases with more food particles going into the blood. It acts as an anti-inflammatory and can be taken internally as a remedy for certain digestive complaints.
A study in the Journal of Alternative Medicine reported that 10 patients with inflammatory bowel disease were given two ounces of aloe juice, three times daily. After one week, diarrhea had stopped in all patients, four had improved bowel regularity and three reported increased energy. Some researchers claim that Aloe Vera is helpful in a wide range of gastro-intestinal problems including heartburn, Crohn’s Disease and pancreatitis. Repairing damaged tissue by regenerating cells is a function at which Aloe Vera has been shown to be most successful at doing.
Pain inhibitor
When applied to a painful area, it penetrates deep into the skin and reduces the pain as well as easing the inflammation. In the case of shingles it lessens the pain. Applied gently to the painful lesions that characterize this condition, Aloe Vera gel acts promptly to soothe these sores and provide relief from itching. It also works to decrease the chances that the blisters will become infected.
Vasodilator: Aloe dilates vessels. By dilating capillaries Aloe Vera increases blood flow.
Nutritional supplement
Aloe is one of the only known natural vegetarian sources of Vitamin B12, and it contains many minerals vital to the growth process and healthy function of all the body’s systems. Numerous studies worldwide indicate that Aloe Vera is a general tonic for the immune system, helping it to fight illness of all kinds, including general infections and even cancer and HIV.
In 1994, the US Food and Drug Administration approved Aloe Vera for the treatment of HIV. On-going studies worldwide show that aloe taken in highly concentrated doses can stimulate the production of white blood cells that may help fight viruses and also tumors.
Rheumatoid arthritis is a painful, debilitating condition. It manifests itself as stiff, swollen joints with varying degrees of associated pain caused partly due to nerve damage and partly by the pressure of the swollen area. The swollen area is normally red in color and described as inflamed. The redness is caused by the blood supply to the ‘damaged’ area being increased. Conventional treatment includes use of anti-inflammatory drugs and steroids, typically cortisone injections or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These certainly can ease the painful effects but unfortunately do not repair damaged tissues.
There can also be undesirable side effects, particularly thinning of the skin and osteoporosis. Although many NSAIDs are available, each one has the potential to cause stomach ulcers. Repairing damaged tissue by regenerating cells is a function at which Aloe Vera has been shown to be most successful. It not only relieves the painful symptoms but also helps to disperse damaged tissue – a type of detoxification process. Aloe Vera may be taken both internally or as a gel applied to the painful joint. Here Aloe Vera’s deep penetration may show benefit. With some, relief and improved joint flexibility is virtually immediate – an apparent ‘magical’ cure, whereas in others, the process can take much longer and the degree of recovery may not be so great.
Energizer: Aloe Vera is an excellent energizer because it helps promote good metabolism and contains Vitamin C.
Aloe contains potassium, which helps in improving and stimulating the liver and kidney, the main organs responsible for internally cleaning the body.
Keratolitic effect
Aloe promotes the removal of damaged skin, replacing it with new skin cells. It also allows the free flow of blood through the veins and arteries, clearing them of small blood clots.
Anti-inflammatory- antiallergenic effect
Aloe contains glycoproteins, which inhibit and break bradykinin the pain and inflammation mediator. Aloe also contains anthraquinons and salycilate, which are painkillers and anti-inflammatory agents.
Aloe contains magnesium lactate, which is anti-histaminic. Aloe is thus very effective in burns, skin abrasions, bursitis, arthritis and insect bite. It has similar effects to cortisone but has none of its side effects. Taking Aloe Vera juice may help those asthmatic patients who are not dependent on cortico-steroids
Aloe is a potential weapon against skin cancer and other cancers. It contains many nutrients for the skin and it helps protect the ski’s immune system from pathogens. It appears to be of help in cancer patients (including lung cancer) by activating the white blood cells and promoting growth of non-cancerous cells. The National Cancer Institute has included Aloe Vera in their recommendations for increased testing because of these apparent cancer-fighting properties.
Internal regeneration:
Aloe Vera increases energy, improves digestion and assimilation and supplements the body with the building stones necessary for internal regeneration.
Ginkgo also increases the body’s ability to produce the universal energy molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This can decrease fatigue and listlessness.
NG4L offers you 2 Aloe Vera Products:
NG4L Aloe vera Juice is a formula made of traditionally grown aloe vera juice from plants that have reached a maturity of 5 years and whose natural virtues have been preserved for an optimal bioavailability of all the ingredients involved in the tremendous therapeutic benefits therapeutic benefits recognized to this plant.
PRESENTATION: bottle of 32 fluid ounces, or 946.4 ml.
Size of one serving: 4 ounces (120ml) Dose per box: about 8 | ||
Ingredients | Dosages | % daily value |
Total fats | 0g | 0% |
Saturated fats | 0g | 0% |
Cholesterol | 0 mg | 0% |
Sodium | 20 mg | 1% |
Total carbohydrates | 1g | 1% |
Food fibers | 0g | 0% |
Sugars | 0g | * |
Protein | 1g | |
* Daily values not established. Other ingredients: Certified organic aloe vera juice (99.7%) less than 1%… |
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