Not all its causes are known, but typically chronic pain is discomfort that continues after the body has healed from injury or illness. Chronic pain is typically diagnosed when pain lingers for at least three months after the cause has healed.
Chronic pain can occur anywhere in the body and can range from mild intermittent pain to severe pain that interferes with everyday life. It has been described as: shooting, burning, or aching pain; or persistent soreness, tightness, or stiffness.
Feelings of fear and anxiety often accompany the pain and can increase its intensity. Chronic pain often affects older adults who suffer from ongoing conditions like arthritis. Chronic pain can also occur with no known link to injury or illness because the nervous system malfunctions or the brain fails to produce chemicals that suppress pain.
Healthy Things You Can Do
• Eat fresh pineapple, which contains bromelain, effective for treating inflammation-related pain.
• Eat whole, fiber-rich, unprocessed foods, emphasizing magnesium.
• Eat calcium-rich foods for bone and muscle strength such as kale, collard greens, almonds, blackberries, broccoli, mustard greens, oatmeal, oranges, navy beans, and sunflower seeds.
• Some foods contribute to an overly-acidic PH. Avoid foods rich in simple or refined sugars including fruit juices, sodas, and sugary baked goods. Avoid caffeine, salty foods, and alcohol.
• Limit foods rich in saturated fats, including red meats, dairy products, warm-water shellfish, and partially hydrogenated oils.
• Drink chlorophyll-rich green drinks.
• Eat more fatty fish (mackerel, herring, and salmon) which provide anti-inflammatory substances (EFAs).
• Increase intake of foods rich in tryptophan (turkey, chicken, cheese, halibut, eggs, peanuts, peanut butter, milk, and soybeans). Tryptophan is a partial protein used for the manufacture of Serotonin (a powerful chemical in the brain that blocks pain).
• Increase anti-inflammatory and painkilling foods like Ginger. Chronic pain cannot be eliminated in every case, but early treatment of injuries and illnesses can help you avoid it. A healthy diet, adequate sleep, and plenty of exercise will help the body heal properly. Avoid stress, alcohol, smoking, and drug use. If chronic pain is already a problem, take any medication prescribed by your doctor. Treat any illnesses and injuries as quickly and appropriately as possible. Exercise, eat a balanced diet, and get plenty of sleep. Acupuncture, heat/cold therapy, support groups, guided imagery, meditation, magnet therapy, and massage can also provide relief.